Kyou Kara Maou – Season 3 (End)


Kyou Kara Maou Season 3

Brief Summary (Spoilers and more spoilers)

This season basically revolves around the king of Big Shimaron being manipulated by a mysterious person who later turns out to be a reincarnation of the great sage as well called Janus. There is a mysterious group in this season called the ‘White Crows’ who seemed to work for the king of Big Shimaron, or so it seems before you find out that in actually fact they are working for a mysterious lady called Alazon. You later find out that she is the queen of Seisakoku. A race of humans with special powers and people have been seeing them as a form of gods but that country had disappeared a long time ago. And the head of the White Crows is Janus himself, yet why does it look like the great sage (just with added mysterious hippie face paint on his face?) That is because Alazon had created a body for him after he died and had brought him back to life looking like the Great Sage. Yet what a cruel fate he bears as he is a loyal servant to Shin Ou and no matter how he longs to meet Shin ou, he is unable to as everyday he has to return to Alazon to heal him so that he wont die as his powers come from Alazon. (his face paint is not explained at all =__= any thoughts on why his face looks that way?) As for our main sinister plotter – the king of Small Shimaron, Saralegi. He is the reason why the story unfolds the way it did. He is in actual fact the son of Alazon and with his powers he manage to manipulate everyone. The only one he did not want to manipulate through powers was Yuri as he say Yuri as a fun toy that could entertain him. Of course by the end of the ep all hell breaks loose and our King saves the world. But it seems like he has lost his powers for good. Or has he? =p


It is a typical Kyou Kara Maou season, with favourite characters like Kohi and those annoying birds that never fail to make me laugh when they say “bad omen” in jap. It is hillarious. You have your filler eps in there as well that is as entertaining as ever and when the main plot takes over, you would wish there were more filler episodes in there as those are the only moments that lightened up the mood of this whole season.

I personally felt that the air was heavier this season. You get to see alot of Shori this season as well as he makes his was into the other world. But as fun as that can be, when he turned into another Konrad betraying Yuri, you just want to smack his head and smack yourself on the head as well. It is sweet to see the brotherly love but do we need a repeat of the heartbreak that Konrad had caused Yuri?

Saralegi annoyed me. He was fun and all but if he were real i would slap him across the face. He is beautiful and all, but he is one of those characters that is so tormented as a child that he got screwed up thinking that it was fine to treat people any way he pleased as long as he achieved his ultimate goal, anything goes.Thank god he became good by the end of the season. (And his mom reminds me of a witch from the Wizard of Oz)

And i have to cry out loud. Where is my Wolfram and Yuri moments?! I want more of it. Sure i dont really like the whole pairing of Wolfram with Yuri as much now that Wolfram is suddenly so much more feminine and seems to be giving into Yuri a bit more. But, does that mean Wolfram has learned to love Yuri for real? =D Or is it just Wolfram growing up slightly? But it is always interesting to see the chemistry and the situations that the both of them get into.

One thing that annoyed me was the lack of relation in the OVA. In the OVA Yuri had met Saralegi before, yet when they meet this time around it is their first time meeting. It seemed like the OVA was really a teaser that is somehow not related to this whole season at all. I could understand if at least in the OVA the both of them knew each other and then at the very least there would be a possibility to put that OVA ep somewhere in the season timeline. But rather it seemed like an alternate reality thing. That annoyed me slightly.

But now that the season is over, I want another season. The whole series ended on a high note and it pleased the audience with a happy ending. It is KKM after all, how could it be anything but happy?

As of yet there is not Season 4 in the plans. But hopefully we will see smth in the future.

If you have not watched KKM or Season 3 yet then I suggest you get to it ASAP. =)

It is a good thing to watch when you want some laughs, some action and some drama without having to concentrate too much. It is definitely smth for a lazy afternoon. ( but you might not want to watch it at night, or else you may end up staying awake for a very long time 😛 )

-ra out

About Saranaufogus

An Anime fan who can't seem to keep her thoughts to herself. Find me on: Instagram | Twitter

Posted on September 11, 2009, in Kyou Kara Maou! Season 3. Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. I like your review! I wiki-ed the summary of this and didn’t find the ending to my liking, a bit too much Shori and Sara and with Yuuri losing his powers, I almost wanted to stop watching KKM S3 even though I’m in the middle of it already but your review helped me regain that enthusiasm for it. So I’ll keep watching it, I might cry (in my heart, silently) when it all ends. I WON’T KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH MY LIFE THEN!!! But thank you!


  2. I loved the anime, and would really love to see Wolfram marry the ex-girlfriend he had when he was a child, and what happens with all the other characters : Conrad,gwendal and the rest, do they ever get married, and what about Yuri’s brother computer screensaver which showed Wolfram and Gunter as ladies, i just finished watching d last episode and I’m so sad it ended, I really feel sad, well I’m sure they’ll live for a long time in my heart. Great anime.


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