No.6 – 11 Review

Talk about stating the obvious

Episode 11

So this episode wraps up the series and boy was this episode a roller coaster ride.

With the show having only one episode to tie up all lose ends, it decided to give itself a bigger challenge and tie up all the loose ends in half an episode instead (I am not kidding, they tried to answer all the questions in half an episode). Amazing right? Except for the fact that it rushed and somewhat unsatisfying, but this was always going to be the case.

Note: Will add the screencaps later in the day due to lack of time. I did not expect the post to end up being this long.
(One has to work to feed one’s self, sadly love doesn’t pay the bills. =P) 

I have uploaded images and went nuts on them. =)

Episode Summary

Shion, Safu and Nezumi finally have their fateful meeting. (Sadly, it is not a romantic catchup. One could do so much with such a scene and it would have been funny)

Elyurius has now merge with Safu and they are one. Elyurius then explains the situation of No.6 and the past as well as the current happenings with regards to the bees and forest people. Apparently, No.6 has been trying to find a way to restore the land surrounding them and their main tool for doing it all was a computer (I think it is a computer) called ‘Mother’ and Elyurius. Apparently, the No.6 has been experimenting with its citizens (bee attacks) and Elyurius simply decided to give them what they asked for. (An still confused as to what exactly it was that she did)

Elyurius then instructs Nezumi to destroy mother and free Elyurius but Shion decides that he wanted to do it instead. This causes a fight over who gets to destroy the computer. (I liked this scene as we get to see Nezumi desperately trying to keep Shion from turning into a different person and losing his innocence). The computer gets blown up and they fail to save Safu (who did not want to be saved as she is no longer Safu but rather Elyurius). This causes Shion to get all angry and blame Nezumi by saying that it was all in Nezumi’s plan to destroy the correctional facility and that he never cared about Safu’s safety.

Nezumi plays the part of the bad guy and admits to it but before he could say much more, he jumps infront of a gunman to protect Shion and gets shot. Shion then tries to save Nezumi and a flashback between the first episode and now occurs (I like that flashback).

Nezumi is saved and Shion tries to dragged Nezumi down the escape hatch but right before they make it down, Shion gets shot and dies.

Inukashi and Rikigai then sees Shion and Nezumi and brings them to an isolated area. After an emotional moment, Rikigai and Inukashi leaves and Nezumi stays behind with Shion and sings to him. Elyurius appears and saves Shion and then dissappears. Shion is revived and they make it out of the correctional facility.

We are shown No.6 with the walls having been broken down (Shion’s dreams did come true) and the reactions of people to that change. (I would have liked that part to have been developed in more detail, but oh well…)

Nezumi and Shion stand in a barren area overlooking the horizon and the broken walls of No.6 and Nezumi kisses Shion before bidding Shion farewell and reassures Shion that everything will be fine. Nezumi disappears from the screen and Shion says that they would meet again some day.

The episode ends with the dog carrying the baby from episode 8/9 to Shion (probably as a symbol of the start of a new life).

This scene made Nezumi look like he lost his leg.


I, being a girl, ended up in tears at one point during the episode. (No prizes for the people who guess at which point I cried)

I have to say, I was pulling my hair out at one point saying “NO!! This can’t happen” and at that point in time, I forgot about the problems with the beginning of the episode. (When one is emotional, one fails to think properly) Sadly, after I finally started to appreciate the death of Shion, the animators just couldn’t resisting going down the usual “revival” path of bringing him back to life. I am happy that he is alive and well, but I honestly did not see much of a point in him being dead in the first place. That being said, I did not see the point in many things.

So lets start from the beginning of the episode.

If you had blinked at the start of the episode, chances are, you missed out on something. It was essentially a huge montage of everything that was happening at that moment in No.6. From bees killing people to the random scenes of Shion’s mother cowering in fear to the execution of Yoming’s plan. Simply said, it was a huge mess:

  • What was the point of Karan and the girl? Was it simply to ensure that Karan continues to remain top of mind and prove that the animators did not forget about her existence? Because honestly, that psychic child was odd. (I call her psychic for predicting the impending doom)
  • What exactly was Yoming’s plan? His team looked pretty tiny and pointless in my opinion. It just looked like all he was going to do was to reveal the top secret documents regarding No.6. I quite liked the development of Yoming and organisation when he first appeared, but now, it looked like what could have developed into something better, ended up as a simple “oh by the way… here’s Yoming” sort of mention
  • The attack of the killer bees. So it gets explained that it was all Elyurius’ doing. My problem is not that but the issue of why only certain people were dying and why the number of deaths seemed so small.

Next part would be the Elyurius/Final Encounter part:

  • Elyurius and Safu. This was a headache. What I am assuming the show is saying is that Elyurius picked Safu (she did faint and saw Elyurius before getting captured and placed in the correctional facility) and the correctional facility so happened to have captured a golden egg like Safu and then they planted Elyurius within her. That was… expected and unsatisfying. I was hoping for a more detailed explanation or a more out-of-the-box development
  • All we get is a brief CliffNotes version of the whole situation and are expected to accept it. =\ What were the exact plans of No.6? What were the experiments that No.6 did meant to prove or do? How does that relate to their main objective?
  • The Mother. =_=” Now that was a big convenience. Blowing up mother means that everything else self-destructs. Who needs to bother with the whole correctional facility when just one thing does the trick. That was quite dumb. But before that issue…
  • Where did the bomb that Nezumi have come from? And why bother with the talk about how Nezumi being the forest people is the only one who can blow the place up. Its a bomb, last I saw, it was not a DNA encoded bomb.

Now with the whole Safu part:

Safu finally confesses her love. I am glad that Shion did not say that he loved her too. I might have smashed my computer if that happened. The whole Safu and Elyurius being one and thus meaning that Safu is no longer Safu sort of makes sense except usually when that concept is executed, the person is generally under the control of the superior being. But in this show, Safu still has control over her thoughts. I kind of felt for Safu at that point. Not knowing is one thing, but knowing have having to accept it as fate is another.

Shion and Nezumi:

So Shion was an ass at one point when he started accusing Nezumi of not caring about Safu. Nezumi was really “sweet” in this episode when he tried to play the role of the bad-guy for Shion. I felt that Nezumi was more in character in this episode than the last. Shion on the other hand was erratic. He kept flicking back and forth between his old self and the new tainted person with a gloom outlook on life. But I really did like the intense moments with Shion and Nezumi. (Not in a BL way) The scene with Shion finally realizing that his idealistic ways were foolish was pretty dramatic and I liked it. The whole death scene between Nezumi and Shion where they took turns to “die” was also really nice. I especially liked the mirroring of the first episode when Shion was operating on Nezumi. I felt that that was a nice touch and a nice way to connect the end with the beginning showing the similarities in situation yet the changes in the people in them.

The Revival Scene:

That was really tacky. The death of Shion was useful in the sense that we got to saw how fragile the friendship of the team was. Despite everything that all of them have been through, when death came around, it was simply everyman for himself. That also showed the contrast in Nezumi actions and how deeply affected he was by Shion’s existence when he chose to say by Shion’s side instead of leaving the way Inukashi and Rikigai did. (That was a touching moment) I am going to be all idealistic and assume that that was what the writers (Novel was the same, or so I assume) had wanted to achieve by having Shion die and then revived by Elyurius.

Now the whole singing bit. That was painful to hear. The song was touching and all but we never got an explanation of how the whole singing works. It felt like that singing will be able to do just about anything. I know that there was a link between Nezumi’s vocals and death with the whole Inukashi scene a few episodes back, but I would still have appreciated a more developed explanation.

This is my favourite still shot out of the whole episode. It looks so grand and lonely.

The Wall Breaks:

Shion’s dream finally comes true and everyone starts to get curious about the other side of the wall like zombies roaming the city. Sadly, Nezumi leaves Shion. Why? I have no clue, perhaps the writers just love to torture us with painful departures. After all, this episode has been constantly toying with our emotions. The return of the baby was another odd thing. Who sent the baby to Shion? Don’t tell me the dog was randomly walking around carrying a baby =_=” That’s just plain odd. I also did not really appreciate the baby being used as a symbol of new life or a symbol of change in the new generation. I felt that that was unnecessary and cliche. The upside to it is that this was another “don’t worry, we did not forget you” moment.

I did like the way they made Nezumi dissapear after the kiss, it was like a David Copperfield moment =_=”. One moment he is there, the next he is gone. That being said, the impact of that scene was even bigger because of how touching the moment was and how much the characters filled the screen, and when they had a zoomed out shot of the broken down city, it brought forth the gloominess and emptiness of the “new beginning”. Nicely done, but this was another nonsensical and unexplained fact. Why did he even leave?

What I am curious about is what No.6 will be like now that the wall is gone. I guess we will never know since it does not seem like that plot would be anything worthy of a sequel.

What really made me emotional was not the death of Shion but Nezumi’s reaction to it. I liked how all of his emotions is portrayed through his eyes while his face remain a calm mask most of the time.

The Intensity:

I really liked the intensity of all the scenes in this episode. I especially liked the scene with Nezumi desperately trying to hold on to the pure Shion, and the changing personality of Shion who looks like he was losing his mind. There were other scenes as well that were great, like the deaths of the characters or when they are desperately trying to save one another. The comradery between the group to the point when things feel apart really showed how some things can’t be changed that easily. The animation was also really nicely done in this episode and contributed to the impactful-ness of some of the scenes.

So here is a list of unanswered questions that I can think off the top of my head. (Feel free to let me know what I missed out and I will add to it):

  • Who is Karan?
  • I assume that Shion and Karan gets reunited?
  • Is Inukashi a girl? We assume so but was never really told.
  • Are the bees gone for good? (Did Elyurius take the bees with her?)
  • What exactly happened with Elyurius? (Is she just a mystical creature)
  • What was the point and explanation behind the singing?
  • What is the explanation behind people aging rapidly and dying? How do the bees cause that?
  • In episode 10, was Shion controlled by Elyurius or was he really himself when he shot the guard in cold blood?
  • Why did Nezumi leave after finally realizing his feelings for Shion?
  • Shion’s genius is forgotten. Is he really a genius?
  • What happened to No.6?

Episode Rating: 7/10

Overall, I would say that this was a good episode. Despite a how rushed the ending felt the show did a decent job when it came to considering the entertainment value. There were many things that I liked about it including the animation and the atmosphere, and despite its downfalls I thoroughly enjoyed it. Naturally, I would have appreciated if the first half of the episode up until the point Shion died was made into one episode while the part thereafter was made into the finale. Could you image how much more impactful it would have been if an episode ended with Shion getting shot. That way the animators would also have more time to develop the change in No.6 and people’s reactions to the change of the walls being broken down. Don’t you agree?

Now that this series is over, I am going to have to rely on another show filling the gap that is left behind.

A extra freebie screenshot for those BL lovers out there. =) Its the last time we will be seeing Shion and Nezumi afterall. Once again, a sunset sky.

P.S: Nezumi was overly charming in this episode. Sadly, it’s the last time we will be seeing him and Shion.

-ra out!

This is the first series from the Summer Season of anime that I am reviewing to end. T^T (This is also probably the first season in years that I have followed a whole season and review it each week.)

I would like to thank all of you who have been reading the reviews for this series and I hope you look forward to an overall review of this anime when I put it up. =)

About Saranaufogus

An Anime fan who can't seem to keep her thoughts to herself. Find me on: Instagram | Twitter

Posted on September 15, 2011, in Anime, No. 6, Reviews and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. 34 Comments.

  1. I so really totally understand everything and feel exactly the same as you about this episode.. It was.. good, (I mean.. my heart almost exploded several times during the episode) but it could be better in terms of explanation of the plot. If there is not a 12th episode, we will never know what happens next, sooo we can think that Sion gets his mother and come back to Nezumi (T-T I reaaalllyyy want to think this way xD)
    as you.. I need another series to fully traquilize my heart, as I couldn’t this time, I’ll start searching.. NOW >3!


    • Lol! What sort of shows do you like to watch usually?

      Well, I have not read the novels so I am not sure if it really just ends there, it would be good if the story continues on but I highly doubt that would be the case. =/ It would be nice to think that Shion meets up with his mother, starts rebuilding the new society with Nezumi by his side and Elyurius secretly re-appears with Safu now back to normal and they all live happily ever after. But I guess that would be something that we will never know.


  2. Do forgive, for I am a random-er just going around looking at reviews for episode 11 of No.6 as it was rather.. Unsatisfying. 😛

    Anyways, if it’s not a bother, I’m just going to rant regarding both your review and the episode. ^^

    I agree that the episode was really rushed! >< It was like they were trying to squeeze in everything into the last episode, which in the end just made a failure in capturing the importance of certain scenes and the emotions. True, the parts where Nezumi was always being sweet towards Shion, such as when he tried to prevent him from changing, was really nice but… I'd say it could've been emphasized had they just done more episodes for the show. Like splitting the episode into two. Had they done a cliffy when Shion got shot and continued with another episode, they'd have more time for both explanation of what the hell is going on and moments of utter sweetness~ *sighs* Disappointment D:

    And yeah, I really didn't get the point of Karan either lololol -.- She was just… There. pfffttttt. D: I wished Bones did more of the fighting scenes like in epi 10 though. Bones is good at doing animation for fighting scenes so if they did more, that would've been eeeeppiiiiiiiccccc xD

    But, oh well. Anyways, thanks for putting up this review, it summed up most of my opinions on the episode. You know what's funny? I find reading your review a little deeper than watching that episode at some parts 'cause it was so rushed. 😛

    Right, well, I'd better not take up anymore of your time as, well, this is compleeeeetely random of me considering the fact I have no idea who you are and vice versa. So once again, do forgive. ^^

    And, yeah. That's all 🙂


    • Lol. Hi Kuu! You are hilarious. =P

      Am happy that you read the review (and that you thought that it might have been a little deeper than watching the ep. lol)

      I am happy for you to waste my time ranting as I know what you mean about feeling the need to vent your frustration. (thus the review) =D So feel free to continue to post comments. heh. After all, though we may all be random people, what better way is there to make friends than through common beliefs? (That, plus the fact that I like to hear what others think too. So I always look forward to comments)
      Now I seem to be the one ranting away.

      I wished Bones did more of the fighting scenes like in epi 10 though. Bones is good at doing animation for fighting scenes so if they did more, that would’ve been eeeeppiiiiiiiccccc xD

      You are right, BONES does great animation for action/fighting scenes and it is a waste that there were not more in this episode. But as always, I felt that 11 episodes is on the shorter side of the usual amount of episodes a 1 season series would have and it would have been nicer to have a couple more episode.

      As for the romance scene, well, I just felt like BONES was holding back themselves so as to ensure that the show does not turn into a full-blown shounen-ai series with the other themes getting lost along the way.


      • Ahhh, true, true. And ho hey! Lookie here, I’ve found a no.6 buddy! ;D

        Mm, yeah, normally anime series tend to have at least 12 or 13 episodes even if it’s supposed to be short. Quite frankly I do think that an extra two episodes could’ve helped A LOT. Ughhh, bones, why’d you have to go budget-y or whatever the heck it was you were doing? D:

        BLASPHEMY–MAKE IT SHOUNEN AI. :’D //shot. Lololol, kay, no, I’m joking. xD

        I’ve always quite enjoyed how there are so many blatant hints but neither Shion nor Nezumi get awkward with the things they do/say with each other even though, QUITE OBVIOUSLY, it’s not normal for guy friends to kiss on the lips when saying goodnight/bye. xD Ahhh, those two. In a way they’re so messed up yet too adorable :’)

        Reeaaaaally would’ve preferred a different ending though. Was much too disappointing that I’m left feeling all like “WHAT? My lifeeee–tis a LIE! D: ” Sort of thing. *huffs* and now I don’t even have anything to look forward to on Fridays ): Boo.

        OH WELL. At least Shion and Nezumi were adorablee. I’ll just continue writing fanfics and stuff to satisfy myself :> teehee.


      • “it’s not normal for guy friends to kiss on the lips when saying goodnight/bye. xD Ahhh, those two. In a way they’re so messed up yet too adorable :’)”

        Lol, it was a really funny scene to watch.

        “OH WELL. At least Shion and Nezumi were adorablee. I’ll just continue writing fanfics and stuff to satisfy myself :> teehee.”

        Fanfictions are the best. Leaves so much room for imagination and exploration. =D


  3. I’m also browsing reviews after getting floored by the ending, but not exactly floored in a good way. I pretty much agree with everything you just said about the ending being rushed and the cameo like appearance of some of the characters. That said, i wasn’t sure if i was just imagining it, but it did seem like the dog keeper was a bit gender ambiguous after that whole brothel trick an episode or two before. I just watched the finale of Steins Gate the other night, and compared to that, No. 6 was so unsatisfying; the buildup was great, but the ending seemed so abrupt, and honestly, who didn’t see them getting healed at the end. They took way too many shots too early in the episode and there were really no other characters that were developed well enough to even follow in an epilogue wrapping up what would’ve happened had they died. So yea, 11 episodes for this anime just wasn’t quite enough, and i’ll be honest had I not read a review on another site about the second episode and the timeskip, I would’ve stopped then because the first episode didn’t grab me. The second one did, and here we are 9 weeks later with a disappointing ending lol


    • “dog keeper was a bit gender ambiguous after that whole brothel trick an episode or two before”

      She sure is, but then again, there was a screenshot where we could see that she had breasts. So I guess that although it was never really stated, he is a she. =)

      “way too many shots too early in the episode and there were really no other characters that were developed well enough to even follow in an epilogue wrapping up what would’ve happened had they died.”

      Quite true. Seeing as to how the characters of Inukashi and Rikigai were like, if they had died, the show would have probably ended with some random narrator telling us the rest of the story. Lol. Or they could have Karan do it since she lacks a real purpose afterall. =p

      “I would’ve stopped then because the first episode didn’t grab me.”

      Really? I quite liked the first episode although it was in the story building stage so you could not see much direction from it that early on.

      “9 weeks later with a disappointing ending lol”

      Haha. But at least the 9 weeks was entertaining was it not? 😉


      • lol, agreed the 9 weeks were entertaining. There were two things that really put me off the first episode, and those I’d attribute to my own anime biases. The first was that evne by carefree male protagonists, Shion’s initial obliviousness seemed to be a bit of a stretch. Not to mention that he was an oblivious genius, I’m sure there are people like that, but at the time it seemed as it would be overplayed and poorly executed. The second thing that turned me off, was the way nezumi put shion in an armlock and sorta held it like they were gonna do the prison tango. Not a fan of BL lol, and it did seem like it could have gone in that direction. Granted, had the ending followed some route where Shion ended with Safu, i probably would have been just as disappointed; the relationship between Nezumi and Shion developed in an interesting way, and it was executed well enough to keep me watching even if it was out of my comfort zone.

        and now that i think about it, i’ve come to post twice about this show, so it must have done something right lol


      • “carefree male protagonists, Shion’s initial obliviousness seemed to be a bit of a stretch. Not to mention that he was an oblivious genius,”

        What you said is so true. I still don’t get which part of Shion is meant to be a genius anyway. They could have done fine without even stating that he was a genius since we never actually get to see him use his brain.

        “the way nezumi put shion in an armlock and sorta held it like they were gonna do the prison tango”

        Awww, I loved how that scene was animated though. I felt that the animation was done pretty nicely.

        “and now that i think about it, i’ve come to post twice about this show, so it must have done something right lol”

        Actually, I think that the show itself did do something right just that it self-destructed at the very end. The whole series itself was entertaining as a whole and whilst there were a whole bunch of issues with the ending it was not *that* bad, just disappointing.

        I am now just waiting to see next season’s BONES series UN-GO and see how they carry that series out because it looks relatively interesting.


  4. I’m another random watcher searching for reviews, absolutely agree
    With almost everything everyone said above. This series
    Had potential and was really quite engaging, I wish the writers didn’t rush through the series, the ending was quite dissatisfying.( and so is the lack of logical explanation for most of the stuff or significance of characters) I’m following the novel translation for
    No. 6 which some might know came before the manga and anime, the anime really lacks the novel’s depth and is quite unfulfilling on the whole Imo.


    • I know about the novel but I have not read it. This last episode makes me want to switch to the novels to see how much different it is from the anime. Might be an interesting read. =)

      Where are u reading it?


  5. The ending where Nezumi departs… kind of reminds me of similar animes and movies where the character was never really there. Nezumi might have ended up dying himself and only Shion lives. Then Shion in his delusional psycho boyfriend dead babble imagines Nezumi kissing him goodbye as he stares at the wreckage of his LIFE.


    • I thought that perhaps that were the case and Nezumi did die but then if Shion got revived by Safu, Nezumi would have as well since we all know that he was still alive when Inukashi and Rikigai were around.

      But with the amount of plot holes in this show, who really knows what BONES was trying to achieve with that.


  6. I think this anime was very rushed and the tense scenes never lasted how they should… Seriously… if the anime was more tense the fans would like it more, right?
    And i HATE the story but overall the story was cool…. Two guys that met when one of the guys was shot and that met again when they were older and start falling in love [???]. Cool, right? In the end, when i watched all episodes I questioned to myself: “Why was there any danger in the beggining?”
    In the 1 episode there was a part when we watched a young nezumi seriously ”running for his life” and i thought that the ending whould be like that 2 ‘-‘ I’m so disspontend, i thought that it would be more awesome…and i feel crappy, cause it looks like the author just wanted something trying to separate a gay couple but it all turned into a big silly drama, in the end.
    And the ending just left us with so many questions and with almost no answers..:
    -> Why did Nezumi leave?
    To escape from his love for shion, to search answers about his life in the florest, to kill himself, to make-the-fans-wonder-of-what-happened..?
    -> What does the florest people have to do with no.6?
    -> Why did they showed us Shion’s mother running dramatically for 20 seconds? That kid was what? And that baby in the end?
    Over all i liked the anime. Nezumi is now one of my favorite characters eeheh c:
    (sorry for bad english and for the bad oppinion that may offend some fans x_x)


    • =(
      the ending of the novels is really different. BONES just screwed up with an amazing story….>.>


    • @myra:

      Saw the link. Now I really feel like reading the novels and then making a comparison between the anime and the novels. It sounds like the novels would be a really good read. Have you read them before?


      You did bring up a good point with the beginning when Nezumi was getting chased. What was that really about? Was that when Nezumi escaped from the correcitonal facility? And if so, how did he escape? It kinda got forgotten.

      Also, you are right with the forest people point. It never really explained what the forest people are able to do (except apparently everything and anything the writers want them to be able to do) and the connection with No.6 was poorly explained (like with so many other parts of the show)

      “That kid was what?”
      A prophet. =p Seriously though, not a clue. lol

      “And that baby in the end?”
      I think the more disturbing thing was that the baby was drinking milk from the dog in Episode 10. Lol.


      • partly.
        i could only find half of the last…uhm…part (what should have been episode 11) of NO.6 translated, but that was more than enough to make up my mind.

        i actually cried at safu’s part you see.
        she asked shion to kill her, but he refuses, so nezumi does it for her….>.>…now they made nezumi look totally evil….lol.
        and uhm….yeah….and i loved the part where safu confesses, because then she asks if nezumi feels the same and he bluntly replies yes. haha.
        then she helps them escape and dies, and that was beautifully done in the novels, i really felt sad for her.
        hated the fact that they just basically skipped that whole thing.

        translations (if you’re interested) i have found:

        (the last one is the same who also did the episode 11 review. she does rough translation, whil the person in the first link is more detailed, but ofcours takes a longer time.)
        oh~ she updated…..*goes of to read*


      • “i actually cried at safu’s part you see.
        she asked shion to kill her, but he refuses, so nezumi does it for her….>.>…now they made nezumi look totally evil….lol.”

        Awww man… T^T That would be so sad. Why couldn’t they have done that in this episode instead. Would have been so much more emotional.

        “oh~ she updated…..*goes of to read*”

        Lol! Does the story go past ep 11 after the walls get torn down? Or does it end that way as well?


      • Lol! Does the story go past ep 11 after the walls get torn down? Or does it end that way as well?


        no, the story doesn’t go past that. (yet, haha…i hope for some kind of epilogue. the writer did that for her other book, so…..*crosses fingers*)
        but the wall “breakdown” itself went a whole lot different. =P


  7. hello there.

    i thought you might be interested in reading this:
    =) the reactions from the people who did read the novel….
    and i would say that their rating would be closer than 2/10….hehe
    yeah…the last episode was as sucky as it could get….XD


  8. I loved the series overall, but also felt unsatisfied with the ending, especially Nezumi leaving. I want to believe he’s just going back to the bunker and Shion will catch up with him later, but who knows. I kinda think Nezumi left b/c Shion broke his heart. When Shion accuses Nezumi of wanting to kill Safu and blow up the facility, the initial look on Nezumi’s face is so sad and I think that’s when his heart broke. So at the end he left. In my mind he still went back to his bunker, but I’m not sure what Shion’s going to do in that respect. I wish the end was them standing together, or Nezumi walking away and Shion saying he’d see him later, then we’d know they were still together. I kinda wish Shion stayed dead (although I’m really glad he came back!) b/c then we’d have a proper sacrifice for the new world.

    I also agree that 1 or 2 more episodes would have helped the show.


    • “I kinda think Nezumi left b/c Shion broke his heart. When Shion accuses Nezumi of wanting to kill Safu and blow up the facility, the initial look on Nezumi’s face is so sad and I think that’s when his heart broke. ”

      That might actually be true since the Shion that he loved was the innocent Shion who wanted to be with him no matter what and not the one that would doubt him.

      “I kinda wish Shion stayed dead (although I’m really glad he came back!) b/c then we’d have a proper sacrifice for the new world. ”

      I was actually so emotional during the part where Shion died but I thought that that sort of ending would have made such a big impact so I was not too happy with the whole “resurrection” situation. But like you said, I too was glad to see Shion come back to life because Nezumi was breaking my heart with how distraught he was. They were going to do a whole Romeo and Juliet thing. I would have been so pissed if BONES actually have Safu resurrect Shion right after Nezumi laid down to die beside Shion. =P


  9. Thank you for the review… I wrote another comment in the wrong post, lol, do you mind deleting it? Sorry!

    About the show, I was pretty disappointed and all the questions (lol, except for Dogkeeper) you had left unanswered I think are a great minus for a show of this scale. Also, being a shinigami, I do not care at all for the sugar-coated death since it was obvious that Nezumi will sing a song and Elyurias will come and revive them both. For me, it was obvious and hated it that it happened. (unfortunately, you cannot talk with my scythe to have it tell you I said exactly what will happen before it did). I didn’t care for the love lives of those two at all, since it got in the way of the story – every second lost to a slow-mo kiss was taken from an action scene. I wouldn’t mind it if there were more episodes and they were able to not skip something instead of the lovey scenes.
    Also, for me Nezumi was slaughtered as a character and I disapprove of this too. Shion could’ve been better too! They paid too much attention to the kissing and drama between then two instead of focusing on so many different characters and story lines they left in a hurry.

    It was nice reading your review.

    Here is my own one:


    • Lol, it was obvious that Shion would not stay dead and I did expect the song but then I had hoped that they would have left Shion dead since they decided to kill him off in the first place. I felt like I was cheated of my tears. (Its petty, I know.)

      “didn’t care for the love lives of those two at all, since it got in the way of the story – every second lost to a slow-mo kiss was taken from an action scene. I wouldn’t mind it if there were more episodes and they were able to not skip something instead of the lovey scenes.”

      Quite true. Every love scene did take away from the action scene but personally I felt that each scene was pretty short and quick. The most “time wasting” scene in this series when it came to the romance between Nezumi and Shion was probably the dancing scene. But even then there was still some sort of point in it. I did not really like the whole Safu situation at the beginning of the series with her being all No.6 brainwashed and thus not knowing what love is or the concept of love and instead degrades it to simply being sex. It is sad that they did not develop that aspect of the show and we don’t actually learn about what No. 6 is. =/

      P.S: I will go check your review out! =)


  10. Finaly someone not bashing the series as the worst anime ever.
    I liked the anime, even with it’s flaws.

    And I totally agree with the “WTH did Nezumi go and why?” with such strong emotional attachment he had towards Shion why the hell didn’t he need him anymore.
    Personaly the resurection was stupid. I think Shion should have been kept dead. In my version Shion stayed dead and Nezumi yes was all emotional and in the end they both died with that building crumbling on them. Nezumi understanding that surviving is not always win when you lose something you cared about (I think it would colaborate nicely with what Inukashi said about him having something/one he cared about) But in the end Shion’s dream was fullfiled wall was taken down, even the baby could have stayed but they should have left Shion dead. Cause that was so heartbreaking and then “WTF that’s so random.”


    • in the original story/novel he just didn’t die. but yeah, i agree with you that part was rather….uhhh….weird…=/


    • @Kalisto


      The anime itself is not actually bad but I think people are angry with the way it ended. =/ (Afterall, there did not seem to be too many complaints until the last ep aired)

      But I agree with you on the part that Shion and Nezumi should have both died. I love the fact that they are alive but it would have been more of an impact if they both got what they wanted but were “too dead” to enjoy it. =P (sorry for the corny joke)


      Did the whole shooting scene (w nezumi) even happen in the novel? Or was it an anime original idea?


  11. This website is great e0d595ac58f03015331ff0ee2161e314


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