Category Archives: Chaos;Child

Review-Roundup: Idol Jihen 02, Chaos;Child 00-02, Kuzu no Honkai 02


Again, Kuzu no Honkai introduces another adult who talks about weirdly idealistic romance to kids and thereby damns them to have a completely warped idea of what love actually is like.

This time I review:

Idol Jihen 02: Some shady politician in the countryside has decided to use his private land as an illegal dumping-ground for amusement-parks in Japan. The only problem: It stinks! Therefore, the courageous idols from the Sunshine party protest and… get nowhere with that. It’s only after Natsuki & Co arrives that a solution presents itself: Violate private property and repurpose it! And it’s okay because… idols! That’s why!

Chaos;Child 00-02: Imagine writing a newspaper for your school… What do you think is worth investigating? Is it the upcoming culture-festival at your school or is it maybe… a series of gruesome murders?! For Takuru the choice is easy. After all, since he has the social aptitude of a dung beetle corpses are the perfect target-demographic of his journalistic ambitions.

Kuzu no Honkai 02: And you’d think pretending to be in love would be easy…? Who could’ve guessed that love is waiting around the corner for practically everybody – and apparently it’s never the person you wish to see… or was it the person around the corner doesn’t wish to see you…? Well, who knows… Love’s really complicated, man!

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