Category Archives: Fate/Zero II

Random Compiled Fate/Zero News

It’s been awhile since I did a random post… and since I had just posted a review of the latest episode of Fate/Zero, I figured that I might as well post some other random interesting things/news on Fate/Zero. =)

This post is basically random stuff related to Fate/Zero that I had stumbled upon on. Most of these stuff are stuff that you may have already seen before if you are an avid fan that track Fate/Zero news. But for others who usually don’t, this post is just to provide some fun reading for you.

Hope you enjoy the post.

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Fate/Zero II – 06 (19) Review

Episode 06 (19)

I was tossing up between reviewing Fate/Zero or reviewing Hyouka and have decided on this. It was honestly a hard choice deciding between something that’s idiotic but easy to review, or something that’s entertaining but sure to screw with your mind. (Hopefully you know which is which that I’m referring to)

The last couple of episodes had taken a break from the main story of the Holy Grail War to focus on the character development of Kiritsugu, and whilst Episode 05 had left me with nothing much to say about it, this episode has definitely left made me wondering about the sanity of Kiri and his motives.

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Fate/Zero II – 04 (17) Review

Episode 04 (17) – The Eighth Contract
Death is in the air

Here’s a late review of episode 04(17) of the second season of Fate/Zero. (I haven’t seen episode 05(18) yet)

The fourth episode was definitely a lot more than what I had expected. Through crazy (though expected) blindsides, the tables have flipped and it is now a war between Kirei and Kiri. It had felt like an episode of foreboding doom as characters took measures in their anticipation of their death in the War.

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Fate/Zero II – 01 – 03 Review

Episode 01 (14) -03 (16)

I have been slowly making my way back to the blog and this is my first review in months. Hopefully I haven’t lost too many braincells over the last few months. But honestly, I can hardly tell which way is up.

Since I am feeling all old and rusty, I’ll probably end up making this review a speedy one covering a few points from each episode.

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