Category Archives: Idol Jihen

Review-Roundup: Kuzu No Honkai 05-07, Idol Jihen 06-08


Hey, who doesn’t look to Idol Jihen for political commentary, right? There’s nothing weird about a living statue of a famous Japanese politician complaining about globalism to an idol who’s also a politician whose priority is to host a nice little party in the Nation Diet Building. Nothing grotesque about that!

This time I review:

Kuzu no Honkai 05-07: I guess, we can all relate to this series and we’ve all been in this place where it is difficult to find friends to talk to – but we still have a bunch of readily available fuckbuddies (through luck, one-sided attraction or just pure coincidence). After all, what is love? Of course, it’s being attracted to that one person that REALLY doesn’t like you (or doesn’t want to have sex with you… but what’s the difference really, right?!). Lucky for you, this means now you can safely have sex with everyone else without any guilt! And you can still believe in love because you ARE still in love. It’s just that, well, you gotta, at least, fuck sometimes, right?

But! What if the person who you’re in love with doesn’t love you back?!

Who cares?! Just fuck’em anyway (and it isn’t rape because it’s probably just another person in love which means they can’t be together with the actual person they love but they gotta, at least, fuck someone sometimes…)!

Life’s a rollercoaster, man!

Idol Jihen 06-08: Politics is hard. Especially all those parts where you have to discuss politics with other politicians in some building. Of course, the whole thing doesn’t get easier for these idols since they still claim to be idols. You might think: “How can some girls from the entertainment-industry govern a country?” Well, you see, they don’t. They simply go to some guys in the countryside and those guys tell them what they should do. Or the idol has a trippy dream about some statues coming to life and telling her that globalization sucks ass.

Oh, and I guess even Idol-Dietwomen can’t escape the scourge that is “fake-news”.

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Review-Roundup: Idol Jihen 04/05, Masamune-kun No Revenge 02-05, Fuuka 04-06, Kuzu No Honkai 03/04


Who could’ve guessed…? Idol Jihen actually finds its footing in episode five as misogyny becomes the villain. I mean, it’s still an absolutely ridiculous series, of course, but, hey, you take what you can get with a series like this one.

This time I review:

Idol Jihen 04/05: A swimsuit-contest turns out to be about the idols’ connection to the ocean and their right to dress the way they want. And in episode 05 preschool-children protest the closing of their school while a sleazy politician learns that as many women are working professionals his views on women are completely outdated.

Masamune-kun no Revenge 02-05: A whole series about a fat guy who worked his ass off to become good-looking and exact revenge on the girl who dared to reject his love when they were children – except it turns out the two are meant for each other. It only took four episodes to tell that story. But the series is cheap enough to just make up shit to keep the story going. I guess, there are enough suckers out there who actually give a shit about the idiots in this series. Otherwise, you just got the signal from the series that watching any more of it will be a waste of time.

Fuuka 04-06: Music. We all have it. So how hard can it be to be a really talented genius? Not that hard apparently because two such persons are fighting over the main-dude’s heart. Yeah, this broomstick of a loser is apparently at the center of a LOT of romantic attention these days. Turns out his two best friends on Twitter are cute girls who are ready to “get it on” (if you know what I mean 😉 ). And Fuuka also wants to fuck him. Anyway, the whole band-thing is also a gimme since it turns out that they just happen to know a famous band. Nothing unbelievable about that!

Kuzu no Honkai 03/04: Love hurts. But also, Love Is A Battlefield. And with all her might Hanabi tries to escape a Total Eclipse Of The Heart. But it turns out there’s someone out there who’s very similar to her. It’s Akane, the woman who stole the man she’s in love with, a woman who’s a Maneater.

Yep, it turns out, it’s that kind of series.

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Review-Roundup: ACCA 13-Ku Kansatsu-Ka 02/03, BanG Dream! 01, Idol Jihen 03


The fact that the 13 provinces seem to have these surreal quirks only makes the series more interesting.

This time I review:

ACCA 13-Ku Kansatsu-Ka 02/03: Imagine a ton of elite in a room while “Everybody Wants to Rule The World” from Tears For Fears is playing and they’re all staring at the one guy who seemingly doesn’t want anything to do with ruling anything. Jean’s that guy and he’s in deep trouble…

BanG Dream! 01: So, what do you hear when you look at the stars…? What, you hear nothing? Well, that’s a problem because this one girl can and because of that she… Well, see, here’s the thing: She finds these star-stickers one day and yeah, what I said about the stars… it’s a whole thing. It’s basically everything for her and it turns out when she listens to the stars they didn’t mention what she should do. No, it took those stickers (remember those?) to lead her to a guitar that’s shaped like a star – because it is, I mean, OF COURSE, it is! Running almost immediately to a local music-store with her guitar she happens to watch a band perform. It’s a truly transformative experience for this high-school-student! … who I guess has never heard music before or seen a live-concert.

Idol Jihen 03: An island has the perfect society by annually being drowned by cats and devoting their entire infrastructure to the moodswings of cats. But one day the cats disappear. And since it’s the local politician’s fault (because, of course, it is!) idols have to come and fix things. Turns out the way to fix things involves a prophecy, an ancient ritual and the casual admission that Shintoism is VERY real. But as long as people are happy who cares how fantastical things get, right?

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Review-Roundup: Idol Jihen 02, Chaos;Child 00-02, Kuzu no Honkai 02


Again, Kuzu no Honkai introduces another adult who talks about weirdly idealistic romance to kids and thereby damns them to have a completely warped idea of what love actually is like.

This time I review:

Idol Jihen 02: Some shady politician in the countryside has decided to use his private land as an illegal dumping-ground for amusement-parks in Japan. The only problem: It stinks! Therefore, the courageous idols from the Sunshine party protest and… get nowhere with that. It’s only after Natsuki & Co arrives that a solution presents itself: Violate private property and repurpose it! And it’s okay because… idols! That’s why!

Chaos;Child 00-02: Imagine writing a newspaper for your school… What do you think is worth investigating? Is it the upcoming culture-festival at your school or is it maybe… a series of gruesome murders?! For Takuru the choice is easy. After all, since he has the social aptitude of a dung beetle corpses are the perfect target-demographic of his journalistic ambitions.

Kuzu no Honkai 02: And you’d think pretending to be in love would be easy…? Who could’ve guessed that love is waiting around the corner for practically everybody – and apparently it’s never the person you wish to see… or was it the person around the corner doesn’t wish to see you…? Well, who knows… Love’s really complicated, man!

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