Category Archives: Maken-ki!

Maken-ki – 01 Review

But he dreamt of it to be like this, that bastard! I tell you, the final plot-twist of this series will be that it’s just a stupid dream of the main-character…

Well, it tries, okay? It tries really hard to be crappy so we should at least acknowledge the effort of the series in that regard, right? So Maken-ki is a crappy series you definitely don’t want to see. If you’ve already seen it and want to read what my opinion about it is… Sorry, there will be no surprises, I have the same opinion as you: it’s bad, objectively bad. And if you read this to find out whether it’s worth watching the series – don’t! It’s not worth it! You will lose your faith in humanity watching this! If this is what humanity calls anime-entertainment, you will think, then I can goddamn live without animes! Maken-ki indeed is the boogeyman of animes that shows us how low people can sink for the sake of creating a fanservice-series…

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