Category Archives: Loups=Garous

Loups=Garous – Review

The movie shows us the dark future of everyone being so dumb that they would get lost in their own hometown without GPS…

Loups=Garous is one of the worst movies, I know. Sure, there are enough 80s/90s OVAs out there that are far crappier than this but this movie despite its solid staff and the involvement of Production IG is really bad because of its flawed execution. I think this movie has some of the most glaringly obvious logical lapses I have ever seen. This is the movie of people facepalming at what happens on screen. On the surface this movie is okay on a generic bland level but as soon as you start thinking about it you’ll realize how retarded this movie is. It’s still a mystery to me how anyone could’ve called the script for this movie ‘reasonable’.

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