Category Archives: Tokyo ESP

Review-Roundup: Aldnoah.Zero 03, Tokyo ESP 01/02

[C12] Tokyo ESP - 02.mp4 - 00003Man, I never knew that stealing stuff follows the same rules like The Price Is Right…

I can’t imagine any manga-author wanting to see a terrible anime-adaptation of his work. After all, most of the time the source-material is still an ongoing series so in many ways the anime is more of an elaborate ad for the original series. Sure, some directors like Shinbo and Shaft for example try to give the series their own spin but most of the time the anime tries to stay true to the source-material. But imagine stuff like seeing the anime-adaptation of your manga and finding out that someone decided some scene needed more fanservice. Would you be happy that your series gained new readers supposedly based on THAT…? But I guess, you have to sell these animes somehow, if having an artistic vision is something only the hotshot-directors of the anime-business are allowed to have. This time I review:

Aldnoah.Zero 03: Earth’s fucked. Luckily there’s a cool teenager, named Inaho, to unfuck things.

Tokyo ESP: Bad shit’s happening in Tokyo. Where’s the White-Haired Girl, you may ask. No, wait, that’s what the episode asks. What you ask is probably: Who the fuck is the White-Haired Girl?! Well, good that you ask because it’s a rather long story as in that it’s exactly one season long but that’s too long so the story starts shortly before the final couple episodes and then goes back to the beginning where what happened shortly before the finale doesn’t matter at all. Ga-Rei-Zero did a similar thing, so why not do the same thing again, right? After all, it sounds like a GREAT plan…

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