Category Archives: Beautiful Bones: Sakurako’s Investigation

Beautiful Bones – 12 Review

[C12] Sakurako-san no Ashimoto ni wa Shitai ga Umatteiru - 12.mp4 - 00006In case, you haven’t been paying attention for 11 episodes, here’s the 12th one summarizing it all for you!

This time I review:

Beautiful Bones 12: For his own safety Shoutarou was abandoned by Sakurako. But he remembers the good old days like when he sent the police to Sakurako’s house or when he was very sure that she was a murderer (for no empirical reason). He realizes, though, that Sakurako gave him a good speech once and he runs back to her telling her what she had said to him. Sakurako’s touched by his powerful memory and agrees to protect him – even though he’s a burden since he’s an idiot who can’t protect himself.

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Review-Roundup: Beautiful Bones 11, Subete ga F ni Naru 11

[C12] Sakurako-san no Ashimoto ni wa Shitai ga Umatteiru - 11.mp4 - 00005I guess, this arc has been all about convincing the audience that bones are easier to talk to than living people…

This time I review:

Beautiful Bones 11: Apparently we still live in this parallel world where everybody’s an asshole or just plain pathetic. And Sakurako is an asshole as well which earns her an infuriated attack from one of the girls. But Shoutarou is there to save her! He survives – but of course the best thing to do is to severe ties with him. You know, that thing series quite often do to cheaply heighten its tension. After all, severing ties with your best-friend/partner-in-crime/lover is always a good way to protect such people from a psychopath.

Subete ga F ni Naru 11: Saikawa and Magata have a little chat about what has happened on the island. And we learn that Nishionosono’s opinion matters little in her little romance with Saikawa – which is just the way she likes it apparently.

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Beautiful Bones – 09/10 Review

[C12] Sakurako-san no Ashimoto ni wa Shitai ga Umatteiru - 09.mp4 - 00002You know, just like reality-TV-shows… It isn’t like anybody needs to know what reality is like but we all gladly would watch real people get subjected to a weird version of reality created by the TV-show-producers and the participants’ inherent craziness.

This time I review:

Beautiful Bones 09/10: Get this: A girl lost her grandmother who she loved a lot. And despite her love she has NO CLUE what her grandmother wanted to tell her. The first mystery was realizing that she wasn’t suicidal. You know, since the grandma you had been exchanging letters with for years would naturally be an inscrutable individual to you. Therefore as the girl remembers that she was promised a certain painting for her eventual wedding, she asks Sakurako for help to figure out what painting her grandmother never was talking about specifically. And guess what…? That painting her grandmother never described in detail or mentioned with its name can’t be identified by Sakurako either! I mean, who could’ve known that you’d actually need hard evidence for the truth…

And in the 10th episode a new arc starts about a bad girl running away from a bad home to be abused by a creepy artist. Her best friend has shitty parents and she herself is a shitty person herself. But at least Sakurako is on the case because nobody’s calling the police…

Oh, and Shoutarou has never realized that bone-cancer is painful. Good for him to finally solve that particular puzzle!

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Beautiful Bones – 07/08 Review

[C12] Sakurako-san no Ashimoto ni wa Shitai ga Umatteiru - 07.mp4 - 00001This series is such a try-hard to make us relate to Shoutarou’s being disgusted with how Sakurako likes bones. And not very surprisingly the end of the story is that Shoutarou should be less of a judgmental prick.

This time I review:

Beautiful Bones 07/08: A festival at Shoutarou’s school ends with him having to show Sakurako the school’s extensive bones-collection. As it turns out this is a school with a TON of bones – and some of them are human. But as all mysteries a couple plottwists await at whose end you’re left with one old lady confessing to being a huge dick to another dead lady. And the man in this triangle was virtuous in all regards, though.

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Review-Roundup: Beautiful Bones 06, Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron Blooded Orphans 06/07

[C12] Sakurako-san no Ashimoto ni wa Shitai ga Umatteiru - 06.mp4 - 00007Sure, let’s check the value of this ring that clearly holds sentimental value for someone dealing with death in some way! The whole question of whether it’s a diamond or not even gets a nod during the resolution of the mystery, even though it’s completely unnecessary information. It’s really just there for the sake of the plot and the gimmick of the show.

This time I review:

Beautiful Bones 06: It’s a false suicide… AGAIN! Can we please stop with the “jumping to the conclusion that it’s a suicide”-bit of this show?! It isn’t that suicides couldn’t offer compelling story-material, it’s that this show constantly mistakenly talks about suicides when it really aren’t suicides in the traditional sense (even the one from the last arc was engineered by a crafty evil person after all). And could someone, aside from Sakurako, have some common sense in this show please…?

Gundam: Iron Blooded Orphans 06/07: Tekkadan’s in trouble as its original plan has gone down in flames. All that’s left to do is find an alternative. Fearing Mikkazuki’s judgment Orga rushes himself to conclude that the only alternative are the Jupiter-mafia. But on their way there they are pursued by an “old friend” who has gotten some new friends and these new friends are actually greedy pirates/mercenaries. The fun never ends with these orphans!

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Review-Roundup: Hidan no Aria AA 04/05, Beautiful Bones 05

_C12__Hidan_no_Aria_AA_-_04.mp4 - 00000The list of coming up with bullshit-school-life-plothooks is endless in Hidan no Aria AA when you have a character who apparently knows NOTHING about the school she has been going to for quite some time!

This time I review:

Hidan no Aria AA 04/05: It’s Quartet-season! Meaning four-person-teams will fight against each other to get good grades… I guess. Look, the series barely cares about this shit. The series’ scriptwriters apparently couldn’t care less about this project. Five episodes and this series has yet to move forward from the flimsy premise of its first episodes.

Beautiful Bones 05: Nobody dies. And they all lived happily ever after!

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Beautiful Bones – 03/04 Review

_C12__Sakurako-san_no_Ashimoto_ni_wa_Shitai_ga_Umatteiru_-_04.mp4 - 00001Is there any way to be less of a milktoast-character than to get flustered while showing concern for your mother’s health…? If it’s serious, you shouldn’t get flustered and if it isn’t serious… quit being age-ist. Getting older causes a lot of problems over time but you certainly don’t want to hear that from some milktoast-grasshopper.

This time I review:

Beautiful Bones 03/04: Death has a way of following Sakurako, the woman who’s obsessed with bones. So during a trip Shoutarou and Sakurako stumble on a skeleton in a Japanese forest (as you’re bound to do at some point, I assume, according to Japanese mystery-stories). Turns out it’s the grandma of Shoutarou’s classmate. Since she fell from a cliff the police naturally call it a suicide. There’s NO way in hell an old lady could accidentally falls down a cliff. But guess what…? Turns out it WAS an accident! It really needed a genius to figure this out! For the fourth episode the dimwit is a guy who believes in curses this time around. Maybe he should just slit his own throat immediately if he’s that convinced that some supernatural force will turn his life into a Final-Destination-plot. Then again, who knows… maybe there’s something strange about the cursed guy being such a try-hard…

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Review-Roundup: Subete ga F ni Naru 02, Hidan no Aria AA 01/02, Beautiful Bones 02, Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans 03

[C12] Subete ga F ni Naru - 02.mp4 - 00002Get it?! She doesn’t understand mundane stuff because she’s super-rich! It’s hilarious, isn’t it…?

This time I review:

Subete ga F ni Naru 02: Saiwaka, Nishinosono and… some other guys travel to the island where the genius Magata lives. After a load of exposition and some romantic shenanigans Saiwaka and Nishinosono arrive at the… let’s say, building where Magata lives and immediately become entangled in a shocking mystery.

Hidan no Aria AA 01/02: Despite the fact that Sherlock’s a fictional character as we all know, in this series there’s some tsundere-girl running around claiming to be his granddaughter or something. Another girl entirely who tries her hardest to be a moeblob wants fuck said Sherlock-granddaughter. Hilarity ensues!

Beautiful Bones 02: There’s a kid, there’s blood and there’s this boy who can’t help but get involved and when he gets involved, this other woman with genius-deduction-skills gets involved and that leads to a quick solution of the mystery. I probably can think of better ways to spend your freetime than doing the job of the police…

Gundam: Iron Blooded Orphans 03: The orphan-revolt is happening fast and ends brutally. Also, some old dude with some old notions of honor and whatnot challenges the young genius-pilot Mikazuki to a duel.

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Beautiful Bones: Sakurako’s Investigation – 01 Review

_C12__Sakurako-san_no_Ashimoto_ni_wa_Shitai_ga_Umatteiru_-_01.mp4 - 00000Usually you only stare at skulls like this if you’re about to deliver Hamlet’s “To Be Or Not To Be”-monologue…

This time I review:

Beautiful Bones 01: There’s an ordinary dude in an ordinary place who likes doing ordinary things and who, uncharacteristically, helps a Sherlock-like woman deal with her bone-obsession. It’s an obsession that for some reason usually leads to murder-cases which she then will resolve.

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