Mirai Nikki – 09 Review

Episode 09 – Blocked Call

What an oddly inconsistent episode.


The tension through the whole episode was pretty much a hit and miss for me, coupled with some anti-climatic moments thrown into the mix. After watching this episode, all I want to say is that I hope we see more of Akise in the future episodes to come.


I will probably make this a quick review about the episode even though the episode had quite a few issues.
(Seems like the review wasn’t as “quick” as I thought it’d be afterall)

What I had expected to be an intense and interesting episode had turned out to be somewhat of a incoherent mix of scenes. It had felt like too much was covered in a time period that was too short for the amount of content present. This had of course resulted in a few choppy moments, but as oppose to it being an execution problem, I would have to say that it had seemed like the issue might lie with the actual manga material.

As I had mentioned, there were a few anticlimactic moments with the way things had turned out. The match between Akise and Hinata was played-up during the first half of the episode, but the scene had ended in a pretty abrupt manner. It had felt that the whole scene had accomplished lesser than I had expected and was unfulfilling apart from the couple of revelations – Yuki’s diary is based upon his personal knowledge and can be misconstrued, and Akise is in fact not a diary owner after all. The funniest part was at the end of the scene when Yuki’s classmate (can’t remember the guy’s name) had suddenly appeared back on screen and had dashed out of the place together with Yuki and the gang. As he had been silent throughout the episode before that scene, I had totally forgotten his presence at that place.

Another anticlimactic moment in the episode was when the dangerous/tense atmosphere had simply disintegrated when everyone had turned back into being chummy old friends upon Yuki’s declaration that Yuno was his girlfriend. Now that was a weird moment. The abruptness from being at each others throats to suddenly being friends was too much. Sure, Hinata’s reasons had been weak all along but I had found her change of heart to be really odd considering how much she supposedly “cared” about her friend, Mao. I mean, it was only in the previous scene where she had lost her mind and decided to scream revenge. But hey, apparently love is what makes the world go round and can settle any problems. XP

You sure did. XD Can’t wait to see your dismembered body Yuki!
(Hey, I am entitled to a mental break or two every season XP)

However, in that similar “declaration of love” scene, we were shown Yuki’s totally dense personality as well as the first sign of intelligence emitting from him. The guy had finally gotten the picture. It was only after Yuno’s loud declaration of love did he comprehend the fact that she was doing it all for him. How dense can this guy get? It seems like he is constantly given amnesia after every big revelation. I wonder if he would revert back to his old self in the next episode – totally clueless to Yuno’s reasons behind her actions.

Speaking of the revelations, the episode did have a few good moments in it. We got to learn the fact that the exchange of diaries had been a hoax the whole time, and this information had been withheld simply to allow us to conjure up our own conclusions. This is similar to how we were force to think that Hinata had died. We had also learned that Akise is supposedly not a diary owner. I am still unconvinced that this is the truth doesn’t necessarily have to be in the form of a mobile phone.

A key rule of the game explained through this episode was the fact that Dues doesn’t allow any form of escape from the game. Whether we will be revisiting this rule in the future leaves to be seen, but I hope it will somehow be integrated into the plot.

We get it, we get it… you are a suspicious person Mr. 4th.

As I had said, this is meant to be a quick review. As such, I shall finish it off with a few notable moments:

  • I’m no Dog Whisperer so I don’t have a good grasp of the intelligence of dogs. However, I had felt it was a tad bit of a stretch for dogs to be following the orders given to them via a wireless communication device.
  • I know this is not a big matter but I don’t get why Akise had bothered saying “Left or Right” in English. I know people wouldn’t question it since it is English and common in Anime, but I had felt that it was as odd as if he were to suddenly speak it in Mandarin.
  • I know I shouldn’t be shocked by Yuno’s actions but I was. This is the first time where I hadn’t liked Yuno’s psychotic behaviour when she had suggested that Yuki and her should use the other two as baits in order to escape. That was just a cowardly action for her character, even if it was logical. I mean, there was nothing kickass about it and that was what I had liked about her character, and even though I am able to understand the reasons behind her actions, I still feel somewhat disappointed.
  • For someone who was so worried about her friend, Hinata sure as hell didn’t bother calling the ambulance to save her friend. Some precious friend Mao is. =P Now we know where her true priorities lie. (I don’t care if she had wanted to keep her secret, it was such a hypocritical thing for her exact revenge without helping her friend)
  • It was nice to see Yuki step up to the plate and had lied to save everyone despite his weak and whimpy idealistic thoughts/actions in the episode.
  • Did anyone think that the scene with Mao on the ground had seemed like she wasn’t wearing a bra? Just thought I’d ask. =P
  • What a “subtle” hint that was at the end of the episode about having to be weary of the Fourth. Who would have thought eh? (being sarcastic) =_=” I mean, seriously, I would have rather the episode end with the guy being mysterious shot in the head instead of a hint about having to be weary of those that treat you nice. Hopefully the useful thing about it is that Yuki will now be super cautious and weary of the Fourth’s actions. But judging by Yuki’s dense and idealistic behaviour, I doubt that would happen.

The girl just tried to kill you a second before and now you are smiling and acting all chummy with her? (=_=)?

Overall, it was still an entertaining episode to watch (minus all the stalling scenes during the coin toss match). Hopefully things will pick up again in the next episode.

Episode Rating: 6.5/10 – I wanted to give it a 7 because it was still interesting to watch, but the episode had it’s fair share of issues maintaining a consistent atmosphere.


Ra’s Question of the Day Corner:

What is your view on foreign languages being interjected into a conversation for no real reason in a show?

I know that most languages have it’s fair share of words integrated from other languages. But sometimes it gets on my nerve when random English words are tossed into an Anime when the language has it’s own version of the word. I can accept it if it were some sort of slang or common use of the word in the culture, but other than that, I think it is too much of a “try hard” to use a foreign language to make things seem cooler when it is unjustified.

About Saranaufogus

An Anime fan who can't seem to keep her thoughts to herself. Find me on: Instagram | Twitter

Posted on December 5, 2011, in Anime, Mirai Nikki, Reviews and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. 8 Comments.

  1. Hello, This ep. cut and change many things from manga to make it suits the time slot. No wonder why it feel strange.

    I will answer some of your doubt here……….

    – For a dog, as long as they know the “command code”, speaking directly or indirectly doesn’t matter. It’s just like you tell them to sit.

    – Hinata allowed Yukki and co. to escape first to give Mao a first aid . Isn’t that clear what is the most important to her?

    – You should know that,for some asians, English language sound cool when it was spoken. That’s all reason. It might feel strange for native speaker ,but that’s it.

    – Mao wear a bra. You will see f you look closely.

    “The girl just tried to kill you a second before and now you are smiling and acting all chummy with her? (=_=)?”

    – Ahh, Yuno just released her thank to Yukki’s word. She has to make sure she doesn’t make Yuno want to kill her again….saying something like “Are you trying to kill me and Mao? you ************* ” is not good option.


    • Thanks for the answers. =)

      The dog command thing though was a tad big more complex than the usual sit, stand etc. it had sounded like pretty elaborate codes, but I could be mistaken.

      “Ahh, Yuno just released her thank to Yukki’s word. She has to make sure she doesn’t make Yuno want to kill her again….saying something like “Are you trying to kill me and Mao? you ************* ” is not good option.”

      True, but it had seem like she was really quite unconcerned by everything and was happy to be friends with everyone after that incident. =/


  2. I posted this same rant in an another site, but I feel like I should share myself a little here too :p. I tried to keep this spoiler-free, and so it includes just my personal opinions about series.

    I remember this being a point in the story where I stopped reading manga for the first time (though, remember that manga was monthly, this arc boring and five chapters long – it took almost half year to finish it :E). While the genius murderer child -scenario felt absolutely ridiculous, the whole 13-year-old teenagers fighting against army of bloodthirsty dogs was simply stupid, and our Kaworu clone with dream to become-the-world’s-greatest-detective struck to me just an out of a place character – he was a cool and stuff, yeah, but didn’t really sit together with the atmosphere of the story.
    Every other arc also had their plot holes, but this had some pretty bad ones: why to play that game against Akise in the first place, why did 10th give away his diary to his 13-old daughter, how Yukiteru, Hinata and others could even speak of friendship after all that had happened, where Hinata got that fake corpse and why she ordered her dogs to hunt our group of the friendship when her girlfriend Mao was still with them – and if Mao was traitor all along, why did she help Yukiteru and co. instead of running hell out of there. And what was the breeder diary’s ability again, I got that it was somehow connected to controlling of the dogs, but even that wasn’t cleared up. Same with 12th broken hypnosis skills (he basically could take anyone to his control, but mysteriously our heroes didn’t have to worry about that), it was never explained where he got that ability (while it was explained that his justice diary reported all “wrong things” happening around him). Let’s not even talk about when 9th attacked the school and placed land mines to the ground (and when did she even did that? :E), which mysteriously didn’t explode at all when students came to the school just few minutes earlier in that episode (and where that motorbike came from??? :EEE).

    Anyway, even though the next arc felt better than previous ones, this was the point I gave up and stopped active reading, while I still checked manga out from time to time. For long time it didn’t really get any better (though it had some cool moments), but then happened first major plot twist, which made story much more interesting – and after that came the second and third plot twist, and I felt that someone had just rammed his big black cock into my brain. After rereading the whole manga everything became the clear, and I truly started to appreciate the writing of the story and all foreshadowing that had been done. Now, while some people may feel that “this shit is ridiculous”, “main character’s wussier than pussy”, “wtf i dont get whats happening???”, I can promise after coming to certain point you will change your tone. If you don’t have any intention to keep watching to that point, just spoil yourself or something, better that than never learning.

    After reading some negative feedback from certain forums, I felt like I had to say something. Just try to ignore things that don’t make sense, cool things await :). Episode was cool, btw.


    • Good observation on Minene school arc: you noticed the land mines problem, when I only complained about:
      -how a lone person set up bomb all over the school without anyone noticing “what is this package?”, and
      -how did she hide a motorbike under her skirt 🙂
      It must be a lot of trouble, digging around the school yard, put in land mines and buried them back properly, without anyone noticing suspicious ‘bump’ on the ground.
      This arc was where I stopped reading the manga. But hey, the anime is quite entertaining, so I kept watching.

      Back to this episode, the most ridiculous thing is how all of them can sit together as friends in the end. Yes, “LOVE MAKES THE WORLD GO ROUND & ROUND”
      Now, about the dogs.
      It’s still possible to control them via wireless transceiver if the orders are simply:
      “Sniff for drugs!”
      But man… she’s ordering them around as if the dogs are team SWAT.


    • @Mal

      I had heard that the story has it up and down moments in the manga… =/ I just hope that it would get better soon. The genius kid thing was a good episode though, although it was filled with plotholes, it was still fun to watch for me. =D


  3. I’m agreeing with the review and the comments so far, it was interesting but some things didn’t make sense to a greater extent than the other episodes. The dog diary still doesn’t exactly make sense to me, and honestly it didn’t even seem like it would have been useful to have if it was contingent on a pack of dogs with headsets.

    I thought it was already implied that Yuki’s diary was based off of his perception of things, if I didn’t pick it up when he walked into that room in Yuno’s house, then I’m sure I picked it up by the time the cult leader came around. The scene where he throws the ball and every follower looks at it, changing the girls diary pretty much made it clear that the diaries aren’t based on ‘fact’ but on what actions and beliefs the characters would have taken had they not consciously changed the future.

    It was nice to see Yuki get with the program, sort of. He’s given into Yuno, at least enough to know that he needs to placate her on the surface, but he still has a craptastic sense of how a friendship should work. Second chances are nice and all, but I think a person trying to murder you would cross some kind of line. I’m sure the next episode we’ll see him around the Detective and be totally not suspicious at all.

    You also mentioned Yuno was less badass for suggesting that they use the others as bait, but I think that’s what makes her so great, the fact that she’s insane, but still practical if we ignore morals. Also wanted to point out that using the cult leader as bait, before she was revealed to be evil, was one of the things Yuno wanted to do to escape with Yuki.

    I don’t think I even noticed they slipped into English, so it probably didn’t bother me that much in this case. Normally I find it more distracting when its meant to emphasize a characters over the top personality, so that the language sounds twice as exaggerated. I’ll concede that Spanish actually doesn’t sound awful to me in anime, (see every hollow related name in bleach) but that’s more because the languages have a lot the same vowel pronunciations, so it doesn’t sound as out of place.


    • “The dog diary still doesn’t exactly make sense to me, and honestly it didn’t even seem like it would have been useful to have if it was contingent on a pack of dogs with headsets. ”

      Lol, I know. I mean, it seems really quite pointless but i guess every diary has it’s restrictions. =/ Hopefully the next diary will be better.

      “I’m sure the next episode we’ll see him around the Detective and be totally not suspicious at all. ”

      Lol! I wouldn’t expect anything less out of Yuki. XD

      “Also wanted to point out that using the cult leader as bait, before she was revealed to be evil, was one of the things Yuno wanted to do to escape with Yuki. ”

      True…. you are right about that.

      “Spanish actually doesn’t sound awful to me in anime, (see every hollow related name in bleach) but that’s more because the languages have a lot the same vowel pronunciations, so it doesn’t sound as out of place.”

      Lol, well, I don’t have an issue with how it sounds but more of the use of it. If there was some sort of reason behind it I am fine with it but using a different language just cos it is “cool” was a bit odd.


  4. Great review. Next episode might be kind of slow (judging from the “pattern” of the previous arcs – the “method to the madness”, if you will). Still 15 episodes to go…


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