Mirai Nikki – 08 Impression

This is how feel  at times.

Episode 08 – New Model

So how many of you had expected things to turn out the way they did?

The show starts with Yuki entering a new school and essentially introduces a whole new group of people to the series.

Don’t you find it weird how the animators go through the effort of hiding the guy’s face when we can quite easily tell how he looks like?


For me, this episode was not one of the better ones. The whole episode felt weirdly put together and everything had happened way too quickly without much development. To add to that, not much care was given to the build-up of the atmosphere in this episode as compared to the previous episodes.

I think that it was quite obvious from the beginning that all of the characters were suspicious. The episode hadn’t done anything to hide that fact, instead, it felt like they went out of their way to make us weary of the characters. (What with the accusations and instant friendships etc.) Perhaps the only relatively surprising part was when Hinata had came back alive. When they had killed her off, I did think that might haven’t been innocent. But when she had reappeared, that revelation was nothing shocking to say the least.

A couple of interesting things to note in this episode was the altered memory of Kousaka and the breeder diary being able to control dogs. These two things didn’t make any sense to me. My understanding of the diaries were that they simply predict the future in different manners but they are unable to be used to control or change things. I mean, to alter the memory of the person and to control dogs goes beyond the capacity of the diaries right? =/ Although that did make things interesting, it also did introduce the aspect of “super power” abilities (which is something I really would rather not see in this series). Then again, I might be jumping the gun since it was never said that Hinata was the one controlling the dogs nor was it shown that she was using her diary to do so, it just merely showed us that she owned a Breeder Diary and wanted to attack Akise. Also, I guess the change in Kousaka’s memory could have easily been achieved through hypnotism and non-diary related. =/

As I had mentioned above, the pacing of this episode was quick. Although this fast pace of the story is nothing new, it was definitely not one of the better executed episodes. We are suddenly shown this influx of new characters that are meant to change the dynamics of the game. But within the episode, the roles of the characters have switched and shuffled and we are left with something totally different from the “impression” left at the start of the episode. Not enough time was spent on allowing the new characters to settle in our minds before moving onto changing everyone’s role. Also, the whole “instant friends” theme at the start of the episode hadn’t bode well for me, but thank god everyone (except Kousaka) had a motive and that had made this quick friendship “connection” plausible. Does anyone else think that Kousaka is highly suspicious? He had changed from hating Yuki to suddenly hanging out with him pretty quickly.

Here is a quick recap of the key points in the episode:

  • First, we have the fact that one of the diaries have exchanged hands. By now, we can safely assume that Hinata was not the chosen Dairy owner but simply had the diary passed onto her by the dog man. Why? Well, I haven’t a clue how this exchange had worked nor the reason behind it.
  • Then we are shown these 4 new characters whom 2 out of 4 are shown to own a diary whilst the other 2 remain as suspicious as ever with Akise giving off the impression of being Yuki’s only friend in the crowd.

As with every Mirai Nikki Review/Impression, I will have to spend some time on Yuki and Yuno.

Yuki: I think the guy has reverted back to his old whiny ways. He is back to being all panicky and whimpy, and it feels like all the character progress/maturity that he had shown over the last couple of episodes had flown out the window. =_=” Definitely not a step forward in the right direction. His stupidity was evident when he had announced the phone’s abilities. He could have simply accepted the fact that people thought he was psychic instead of explaining everything to them, especially since no one was asking for a proper explanation. It honestly shows that despite nearly losing his life multiple times over the span of the series, this guy has no survival instinct and doesn’t realise the danger of the game. Which is odd since his fear for his life is quite obvious when he is in a dire situation. Usually people tend to notice these kind of things. =P

Yuno on the other hand shows us her jealous and selfish side. Her character in this episode was somewhat ignored, mirroring the same way Yuki had ignored her. Doesn’t Yuki know that ignoring a psycho was a big No No? It is things like these that get people killed, especially when he had told her to her face that Hinata (which I might add is another female) was the first friend he has ever had. Ouch. Talk about stabbing someone who cares about you in the heart. Anyway, back onto Yuno. It was quite fun to watch all the different emotions that had passed through Yuno’s character in this episode – from being sweet and shy to showing the sociopath side of her character. It had definitely summed up her unstable personality.

Overall, it was a relatively mediocre episode up until the cliff hanger at the end of the episode. That part had me craving from more, it is sad that it had appeared so late in the episode. Despite the amount of plot holes in last week’s episode, last episode was still more entertaining than this week’s. Hopefully with the new introductions out of the way, we are able to get back into the game and the “darker”/more interesting side of things.

Episode Rating: 6.5/10 – It was alright. Best part is probably the appearance of Akise. He seems like a cool character. =P

Player Roundup: We now know 6 of 8 remaining players.


P.S: Isn’t it weird that no one wear school uniform in that school??

Mirai Nikki Question of the Week:

Since the theme is about friends this week, it is only suitable for me to ask something related to that.

With the choice of the 6 known participants thus far, which one would you like to have as your friend/partner if you were participating in the game?

Although we all know that Yuno is rather faithful and capable, I think that my choice would have to be Akise Aru. Despite not having seen much of his character, he seems like he would be a relatively nice and dependable person who is not going to randomly suffer from a psychotic break. Then again, what do I know about psychotic breaks? XP I am merely one of those who suffers from them all the time.

(This question reminds me of the Reality TV Series Survivor. Lol. Sigh, I have written a draft for the review of last week’s Boku wa Tomodachi but can’t find the motivation to edit and post it since I didn’t really feel to motivated to talk about it in the first place. For now, I shall simply leave you with this post instead.)

About Saranaufogus

An Anime fan who can't seem to keep her thoughts to herself. Find me on: Instagram | Twitter

Posted on November 29, 2011, in Anime, Mirai Nikki, Reviews and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. 13 Comments.

  1. The logic fails of this week 🙂
    -why did Kousaka tag along with them? What a forced friendship.
    -The homeroom teacher doesn’t care that a male student has stripped a female student. Is it daily occurence in that school?
    -Hinata was showing genuine shocked face and screaming like chicken when she’s sorrounded by the dogs. WHY IS IT? Isn’t she able to control them? Is she putting an act? But there’s no one to witness her act! Only there are us viewers… X_X
    -Of course, the supernatural powers are always weird to me. These people are only given diaries which tell about the future, AREN’T THEY?

    I don’t think I can trust any other diary user. They are all crazy. This is a parade of crazy people. Even the host, the long nose god is crazy.


    • I didn’t notice the screaming part. =D Good point about no one being there to see her.

      “Even the host, the long nose god is crazy.”

      Of course he is crazy, he is the one who started the craziness.XD

      Honestly, though, I just think that he might be getting a kick out of seeing all the craziness (the same way we are). Perhaps he is merely sadistic just like many of us (or maybe it is just I who is sadistic). =P


  2. I read the paradox manga of Mirai Nikki and I tell you Akise is someone you would wish as a the protagonist of this show, but having Yukki as the protagonist of Mirai also has its advantages (we get to see more psycho Yuno haha. :P) Anyways, If i have to pick a diary holder as a friend i think i would pick 9th (minene). First, i really like her diary the escape diary, it makes me feel that i can get away with all the mischief that we’re going to do as friends. Also, I think she’s very normal compared to the other contestants, aside from the fact that she’s a terrorist, I actually think that she’s a good person.


    • I already wish that the protagonist of the show was anyone except Yuki. =D

      Minene? Lol, using it to get away with mischief sounds like it your motivation is lacking in deviousness.

      “aside from the fact that she’s a terrorist, I actually think that she’s a good person.”

      Haha, well, she did save Yuki and she seems to have tone down her craziness ever since she lost her eye. Guess we shall have to see how she plays out.


  3. I don’t think Akise is a diary user. I didn’t see him in the ending, nor was his outline in the first episode when all the diary users were introduced.


  4. I agree, it wasn’t one of the stronger episodes, but it was still pretty good overall. I also hated how pathetic Yuki was this episode, I think now I get what had been mentioned in the first reviews about him being so over excited for doing such minor things. I don’t see how you tell your psycho girlfriend, that you made your first friend and she’s a girl you just met that day, its like he wants to die lol.

    The thing with Kousaka, at the beginning for whatever reason I expected Yuki to stand up for himself, after having his flashes of badassness when fighting for his life, but it looks like he really doesn’t retain much. I actually don’t think Kousaka was hypnotized or anything, I think it was his character being a dick to Yuki and I wrote it off as that, I didn’t think that there was something greater behind that, but in this series its always possible.

    You went into how ridiculous it was for him to reveal his phone, so I won’t bring that up because it just makes the kid way too frustrating of a character. I’m starting to accept that this might end up as a series that I love overall, yet still hate the main character. I would hope something happens to make Yuki not so outwardly naive, like maybe being backstabbed after trusting 2 new friends, a detective stalker classmate, and a kid already that backstabbed him once tried that to ruin his reputation from his old school.

    I legitimately laughed twice in this episode, the first was when Yuno was writing words in the dirt, like a complete psycho smiling the entire time, and the second was when the old breeder made that feast for the dogs and then made himself a cup of noodles. When they showed the picture in the dog person’s house, I think that made it clear Hinata was in control of his diary, but that came pretty close to the end of the episode, so I didn’t feel like she was still suspicious between when she “died” and up until that point. I’m hoping this doesn’t turn into too much of a recurring theme, the censored death followed by reveal that she was never dead is venturing a bit too far into “Blood-C” territory for my tastes lol.

    I think if I had to choose someone to pair up with it would have to be Yuno, despite her being nuts, yes she’s unpredictable, but she’s also a survivor, and assuming I was in Yuki’s position I think her diary would be the most useful. She’s actually perfect for Yuki now that I think about it, the kid sucks at life and can’t make friends anyway, so having one crazy girl devoted to him is probably the closest thing to a social life that this kid is capable of. Personally she scares me but I also think its easier to deal with the crazy person you know; she’s close so you can monitor what she’s going to do, the trade off of not being able to make friends for fear of her killing them is probably ok in a position where you owe her your life at least 4 times by now. In that game I’d rather have another crazy girlfriend trying to keep me alive, as opposed to bringing another girl into the mix who’ll slow me down, and end up being in danger.


    • “I don’t see how you tell your psycho girlfriend, that you made your first friend and she’s a girl you just met that day, its like he wants to die lol. ”

      Well, maybe he does want to die. =D

      “didn’t think that there was something greater behind that, but in this series its always possible. ”

      Hmmm, I thought that it was him truly believing that that was what had happened. =/ I guess I wouldn’t put it past him for being mentally unstable as well.

      “I would hope something happens to make Yuki not so outwardly naive, like maybe being backstabbed after trusting 2 new friends, a detective stalker classmate, and a kid already that backstabbed him once tried that to ruin his reputation from his old school. ”

      Lol… naw.. that won’t do it. He needs to get raped by Yuno. That might knock some sense into his pantsy ways.

      “I legitimately laughed twice in this episode, the first was when Yuno was writing words in the dirt, like a complete psycho smiling the entire time, and the second was when the old breeder made that feast for the dogs and then made himself a cup of noodles. ”

      Oh, those were definitely funny scenes. I actually find the dog thing quite funny simply because I can image some friends actually doing that to their dogs. Feed them grade A stuff while they eat cup noodles.

      “the censored death followed by reveal that she was never dead is venturing a bit too far into “Blood-C” territory for my tastes lol.”

      It wasn’t as bad as what Blood C did towards the end of the series though.

      “think if I had to choose someone to pair up with it would have to be Yuno, despite her being nuts, yes she’s unpredictable, but she’s also a survivor, and assuming I was in Yuki’s position I think her diary would be the most useful. ”

      Hopefully, if you were in yuki’s position, you wouldnt tell her that you she is not considered a friend. =P Just a tip… you know… in case you have a death wish. XD


  5. Hinata’s diary doesn’t allow her to control the dogs. Can’t say any more without risking spoilers. Next week’s episode will clarify. Otherwise, I do agree with you about the pacing of this episode: it was too rushed. However, if it was paced too slowly (like episode 6), people would have complained anyway. Mirai Nikki suffers from pacing issues, overall.


  6. I think Yukiteru wants to be an idealist who believes in the best of people, wants to make friends and save everyone, even though he lacks the conviction or character to be a proper idealist. That is why he never really trusts Yuno, even though she’s the realist whose cynical intuitions have been proven right each encounter.

    I think this is the best thing of the show – the constant tension between Yukiteru’s idealistic desires for a normal life versus Yuno’s paranoid, psychotic perception & violent results. What Yukiteru wants, Yuno can never give him, despite the fact she saves his life every time.


    • I never actually saw Yuki as being that complex a character.

      Now that you mention it, that is true. He is an idealist that doesn’t have the conviction to be what he tries to outwardly portray. And I think he can’t break out of it because he can’t see that he is not behaving in that idealistic manner that he thinks that he is.

      “I think this is the best thing of the show – the constant tension between Yukiteru’s idealistic desires for a normal life versus Yuno’s paranoid, psychotic perception & violent results. What Yukiteru wants, Yuno can never give him, despite the fact she saves his life every time.”

      I definitely agree with you, although Yuki still gets on my nerves. Heh. =D


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