Ano Natsu de Matteru – 01 Review

Object of an Alien's Lust or Creepy Camera Stalker?

Ano Natsu de Matteru – Episode 01

In the novel, Still Life with Woodpecker, by Tom Robbins, a self-proclaimed alien from the planet Argon informs us that red heads are considered evil throughout the universe and that their baneful hair color is a result of excessive “sugar and lust.” I thought this deserved a mention before delving any deeper into what lies behind this seemingly run-of-the-mill high school summer romance.

Expecting to spend the next 3 months in annoyance at googly-eyed adolescents reminiscing about their first summer crushes, I was most pleasantly surprised by this episode! I saw one or two very short trailers for the show that didn’t lead me to expect anything out of the ordinary. Although a lot of what happened in episode one isn’t the most original material on the planet, it was certainly above and beyond my pre-season impressions.


The show opens with our main character, Kirishima Kaito (Kai for short), standing on a very tall bridge at night, fiddling with a video camera, muttering corny, sentimental, pseudo-philosophical crap to himself. And then, BAM! Everything starts shaking, crazy lights fill the sky, and some sort of space-ship contraption crashes in the mountains nearby. Kai flies off the bridge in a whirlwind of blood and broken eye glasses, falls hard (and unconscious) into the river below, and is saved by a mysterious someone. Well, it’s just a hand and part of an arm, so it’s not even really “someone”.

Emergency landing in the suburbs.

Kai wakes up in his room, and has some banter over breakfast with his older sister. There are two things established in the scene – #1) their parents are dead, and #2) sis is heading off to Bolivia and leaving Kai to his own devices, home alone, for three months.

Kai heads off to school, fiddling with the camera, and sees a mysterious red head girl on a passing train. Foreshadowing, anyone? At school we meet Kai’s mostly generic group of friends, and Kai plays with his camera lot more (don’t worry, somewhere towards the second half he puts the damn thing down). The friends are: Tetsurou the hot older looking guy, Kanna the girl crushing on Kai, and Miyoko the cute and dumb girl. They say some generally lame stuff about making a movie…. When asked what he wants to film, Kai dreamily says that he just wants to film “something” and his crew thinks this is a fine answer because they’re in high school after all. This goes on for a little while and then Kai, fiddling with the camera, sees the mysterious red head again. Well, it turns out that she’s a new transfer student to his school. Surprise!

So, the red head, named Takatsuki Ichika, receives standard anime treatment for a cute female transfer student – the girls cooing, “She’s so pretty!” “What clubs were you in at your last school?” and the guys asking if she has a boyfriend. I’m sure you all know the drill by now. Then, her classmate, Yamano Lemon (or Remon depending on who subbed your version), exerts some sort of influence/bullying over her classmates and gains herself and Ichika a few moments of peace and quiet. So, lots more happy school dialog and talk about making a movie… Not a whole lot worth noting except that Tetsurou has used his manly charms on a female teacher to get info about Ichika, the “info” being her measurements. Standard fare, but cutely done. The friends’ banter isn’t too grating – it’s fairly flirtatious without coming anywhere near ecchi, it’s lighthearted, and most importantly, it’s believable and has a good flow. One point worth mentioning is when the crew notices a “hickey” on Kai’s neck. They tease him about it, he says it’s just a bug bite, and so on, and then Kai has one of his flash-back moments (see more about that below).

Now, depending on which translation/sub version you watch, the whole “school time” bulk of the show may or may not have a lot of foreshadowing. In one version I watched, there were lots of comments about their movie, the future, and hints (including the “arm” flashbacks and various awkward behaviors) about what will come to pass, and it’s obvious that Ichika (and Lemon too) know about “something” going on that everyone else is totally clueless about. In another version I watched, there were very few of these comments and moments. <shrug> Usually I don’t find that the translations make too much of a difference in one’s understanding of the material, but in this case it’s a big deal. So, if you care, and if you can, try and watch more than one translation.

As you might expect, the boys ask Ichika to star in their movie and she accepts. All of the other girls join on to the “film crew” for their various reasons, and I’m sure some of the relationship dynamics hinted at here will be explained in later episodes. Kai starts to have fantasies about “directing” Ichika, and there’s some joke about instructing her in acting that was lost in *both* translations, although it doesn’t take any amount of genius to get the gist of it all.


So this is where things take a more lively turn. Kai runs into Ichika while she’s fishing (very suspicious), one thing leads to another, he discovers she is essentially homeless, and he invites her to live with him. There’s some fishy stuff – like how Ichika’s suitcase seems to be unreasonably heavy and she’s unwilling to talk about its contents. Aside from that, it’s generally cute and bubbly, and some things you might expect to happen actually do happen – like, her being embarrassed because she’s in a guys room, him seeing her while she’s in the shower, him handling her dirty laundry, everyone blushing profusely, etc.

As Kai is figuring out how to hide Ichika’s shoes from his sister, the hickey/bug-bite (pointed out earlier in the show) “flares up” and Kai starts to hallucinate and falls to the ground unconscious. Ichika runs out of the bathroom (wearing only a towel) to save him and notices that his neck has gone from being red and slightly puffy to having a large-honeycomb-alien-cancer spreading all over it. She calls out to her suitcase (“Rinon!” or “Yno!” – depending on the translation) and this terribly cute, technology-wielding, pink teletubby pops out and covers them with a techno-magic bubble. Yes, you read that right. Obviously, just as Ichika is swapping slobber with Kai, his sister and Kanna walk in. And obviously, at that exact moment, Ichika’s towel falls off.


Almost everything in this series was exactly what you would expect and it’s been done a million times before. Guy sees cute girl, she transfers to his school, she moves in with him, and suddenly they’re blushing and making out and running into each other naked all the time. Even the part about the girl being an alien and having a teletubby in her suitcase, none of that is anything new or groundbreaking. The characters aren’t anything special, the art isn’t mind blowing, the plot twists tried really hard to make themselves obvious….

But, I really, really liked this episode. Why? More than anything, I’d say that something just “clicks”, and it’s hard to put my finger on what exactly that is. Suffice to say, there are little things scattered throughout the episode that lead me to believe that Ano Natsu might end up doing a great job of taking something “unoriginal” and doing it better than we’ve ever seen it done before.

The first thing that I found to be impressive was the completely natural feeling of the dialog. The timing of one line to another was just right, including sighs, mumbles, and little interruptions. The seiyuu’s acting was continuously on point, and very few lines were anything less than perfect. This factor alone is something that can take an average show to the level of something that will be remembered for years.

Sound-wise, the background music was sparse, quiet, and often employed more as a spectrum of various sound effects than typical BGM. The subtle, pervasive sounds of cicadas and birds throughout the show locked in the feeling of summer and created a solid feeling of time and place.

The animation was up to par, and probably better than just that. I loved the serene and muted watercolor backgrounds. The attention placed on showing scenes of clouds, sky, water, trees, and grass had a unifying and relaxing effect. The brilliant greens of the plant life worked well with the cicada noises to further enhance the richness of summer. There were a few moments where I noticed obvious “brush strokes” (even though those are probably added in later with a plug-in) on backgrounds – like on the school’s wall during the measurements scene – and I felt these positively enhanced things.

While the characters’ personalities seem to be the same tried (or tired) and true tropes at first glance, they develop into something just a little bit *more* than what we would normally expect. Their designs and personalities are ever so slightly different than the norms we’re used to – for example, Ichika is a bouncy-breasted, big-haired bimbo who acts nervous and completely clueless whenever she’s on screen. That is, until the last moment, when she acts with quick resolve and a minimum of idiocy to deal with Kai’s fainting spell. Her strange behaviors throughout the show almost lead you to believe that Ichika knows exactly what is going on, that she has a plan, and that she’s sticking to it. One could even theorize that she is “running shit” in the world of Ano Natsu. Tetsurou sneaking around to get Ichika’s measurements is normal for a dumb supporting-male anime character, but his methods were way cooler than the typical guy sneaking into the nurse’s office (and getting caught). Lemon’s tiny, bratty character was different because her classmates actually listened to her threats, and she acted cool and confident instead of pouty and whiny. The only one of the bunch I have doubts about is Kai, but (according to one translation) he at least knows how to cook for himself and doesn’t seem to be planning on making Ichika do it. 😉

And finally, my favorite: continuity. Ano Natsu has tons of continuity. Thank god, because there has been a severe lack of it lately (*cough* Loups=Garous *cough*). Although the numerous “hints” and use of foreshadowing came close to crossing the line a few times, it ended up being just fine. Like, we *know* that Ichika isn’t your average transfer student, we *know* that she has something to do with Kai’s mysterious savior, we *know* that Lemon is clued into something that the fab-four don’t know about, and we *know* that fishing is “fishy”, that kai’s hickey is probably not just a hickey, and that something’s not right with that suitcase. We get that, and even without the hundreds of hints it would probably be obvious. BUT, we *didn’t* know that a teletubby would come out of that suitcase, and we *didn’t* know that that Kai’s hickey was some bizarre fractaloid-alien-cancer. Well, at least *I* didn’t know. Hehehe. But, at least give me some credit for knowing Ichika was an alien or something along those lines the instant I saw the spaceship/red hair combo. 🙂

What I like most about this show is that everything they spend time showing is relevant to the greater plot. I personally hate it, really just hate it, when writers spend minutes upon minutes to elaborate on some fact or concept that has nothing to do with anything. Most animes are about 20 minutes long (excluding OP/ED) and that’s not much time, especially considering that so many of them only run for one season. Make that time count! Every second is crucial! Thankfully, it seems (so far) that the Ano Natsu team agrees with me on this. Only time will tell if they can keep it up without falling into the trap of being plain predictable and ultimately boring.

Somewhat in the vein of continuity is Ano Natsu’s ability to fulfill the viewer’s expectations. It’s fairly similar to what I’ve said about the characters. The show has relentlessly and willingly provided us with everything we would expect in this unoriginal setting, but somehow gives us just a little…. more. Of course we expect some Ishika fan-service when she moves in with Kai, and, of course, we get that. However, little things (like Ishika examining the shampoo bottle as if it’s her first time seeing one) are just ever so slightly beyond our lame expectations. The effect, for me, is that my expectations for the “obvious” have risen just a little and I’m actually curious about what these characters are going to do next, and if they’re going to continue to infiltrate and enliven my trope-weary psyche.

In order to be a good reviewer, I do feel like I should air the complaints (however few) I have. There were a few times that the animation (color) was jarring – when Kai is fantasizing and everything turns hot pink (it looks hideous), and when folks are in the shade (pool scene) their skin looks absolutely lobster-red like they have a third degree sunburn or something. There was also a moment or two when the trees looked like something from a generic architectural design program, and they were just “off” in that 2D computer way. Damn near all of the animation was brilliant, though I felt like it leaned a little too heavily on sky/cloud shots (but considering that this show has aliens, it may have just been more foreshadowing). And, well, as others have already said, it does remind me a lot of Ano Hana (even the shortened version of their names are similar) and Toradora (Lemon and Taiga must be cousins, right?).

And… Well… this may just be me, but… Didn’t I already write a review about a show with a supernatural, red headed, large busted, main-female-chara? And didn’t I just watch something else that had kids in class 3? And haven’t I watched questionably-lame male-main-charas have strange hallucinations at least once this week? And, maybe I just need more sleep, but I feel like I’ve seen a lot of mysterious transfer students lately… 😉

So far, Ano Natsu seems solid. Little things here and there, and the continuous meeting and exceeding my expectations make me curious about what’s next. The animation is good, the dialog is good, the characters seem better than what one would expect…. but I wonder if that’s enough to make a great anime. It’s not mind-blowing by any means, but the approach is an unexpected combination of gentleness and subdued but persistance brilliance. Will Ano Natsu take the unoriginal and turn it into something great? Will it be able to continue riding the fine line between meeting and re-creating expectations without falling off into the dark depths of the pointlessly bizarre or maddeningly stupid? Where can it possibly go from here, aside from a fan-service, teletubby-filled hell? Will it be able to catapult itself into the realms of the amazing?

Visions of teletubby hells aside, this show is going to get watched no matter what. It kicks the sh*t out of everything else so far this season, except for maybe Nisemonogatari (maybe). If nothing else, in a season full of shows fraught with the creeping feeling of being “off”, Ano Natsu feels “on”. I’m quite curious about how this is going to play out, I’m definitely looking forward to next week!

My rating for this episode is at least an 8/10, if not 8.5/10 🙂

What do *you* think? Leave a comment below and tell the world about it! 🙂

About kelfio

Keepin' it real down in the sweet sunny south.

Posted on January 10, 2012, in Anime, Reviews and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 38 Comments.

  1. well well.. havent i see this before? ahh.. yes yes.. alien come from space.,
    love story. the alien girl look same too, like the other anime about
    some love between a boy and an alien teacher. .
    this is very tiring.. repetitive repetitive repetitive repetitive repetitive repetitive
    repetitive repetitive repetitive repetitive repetitive repetitive repetitive repetitive
    repetitive repetitive repetitive repetitive repetitive repetitive repetitive repetitive
    the same ol same ol shit..


    • i really hate your kind of people, it matter of taste, you see it bad, boring or repetitive doesn’t mean that other see it like that. respect other taste and stop bashing the anime, if you don’t like it please just not comment. your farvorite anime may conflict someone taste and can be bashed too.
      bashing mindlessly like that just make you look like your random creepy monster avartar.


  2. Oh boy, ah loy is completely right… This show has the kind of creativity giving me a headache – because it obviously doesn’t have any! Retarded pile of shit as main-chara. Check. Stupid pervert as friend for pile-of-shit. Check. Tsundere, shy girl who secretly are already in the pile-of-shit’s harem. Check. New Girl also falling for pile-of-shit. Check. New Girl also being special. Check. Pile-of-Shit involved in special stuff happening to him. Check. New Girl living with pile-of-shit which creates all sorts of stereotypical fanservice-scenes. Check. Not being one bit funny while doing that. Check.
    I don’t think any kind of dialogue can save this atrocious plot with its stupid character-ideas. I think the main-chara accidentally nuking his hometown would be more exciting than seeing him babble and wobble through another one of these stupid romantic comedy series. I will watch the second episode but if that one also gives me a headache for being so stereotypical, I’ll drop it.

    And did anybody guess that Summer could be SO frigging deep…? I bet that main-chara can make peanut-butter seem deep with his pseudo-philosophical crap-talk. And seriously: having a camera is NOT a characterization…


    • i dont know about you but this anime look like the animes called onegai twins and onegai teacher dont you think so?


    • ok, let start bashing your view
      “This show has the kind of creativity giving me a headache – because it obviously doesn’t have any! Retarded pile of shit as main-chara. Check. Stupid pervert as friend for pile-of-shit. Check. Tsundere, shy girl who secretly are already in the pile-of-shit’s harem. Check. New Girl also falling for pile-of-shit. Check. New Girl also being special. Check. Pile-of-Shit involved in special stuff happening to him. Check. New Girl living with pile-of-shit which creates all sorts of stereotypical fanservice-scenes. Check. Not being one bit funny while doing that. Check.”

      it is what most slice of life have, problem with that? as i can name as much kind of stereotypical in other gernes as well, posses a stereotypical cast doesn’t make the story stereotypical, event stereotypical and whatever else stereotypical

      “I don’t think any kind of dialogue can save this atrocious plot with its stupid character-ideas. I think the main-chara accidentally nuking his hometown would be more exciting than seeing him babble and wobble through another one of these stupid romantic comedy series. I will watch the second episode but if that one also gives me a headache for being so stereotypical, I’ll drop it.”

      so what you like should have violent, people dying or badly injured right? what a cruel person you are, lol kidding. romantic comedy is bad for you i guess, but you should know that there are people search for peacefulness and fun in anime, it the gerne nature, at long as it do what it made for well, then it a good series. not everyone want to have their adrenaline pumped up every flashy action or scene you know. just you like some gerne better doesn’t make it truly superior or make other gerne inferior.

      “And did anybody guess that Summer could be SO frigging deep…? I bet that main-chara can make peanut-butter seem deep with his pseudo-philosophical crap-talk. And seriously: having a camera is NOT a characterization…”

      it can be if you spend it with people you love, your true friend and whatever special to you. a summer to your life may not special but to some people, it may have been their best time ever, and i’m talking about my real life so don’t bash me back on it. camera is NOT a characterization? how can you say that, how it not. in literature there never truly a correct way of writing, how can you say camera is not a characterization? are you really that great in fictional work to the point you can judge something NOT a characterization? i highly doubt it


      • You say people should respect others taste, yet you start the sentence with “lets start bashing your view”. I would call you a hypocrite, dear Pointman.

        Just because he doesn’t like and find THIS anime boring doesn’t mean he dislikes all slice of all anime. I’m no fan of slice of life/calm anime in general, but I do watch and enjoy SOME of them. Think before you write, please.

        I fully agree with M0rg0th and ah loys view about the first ep for this anime, it’s the same old thing we’ve seen hundreds of times already in the anime world. If others don’t care about re.used plot and character types, then good for them, but I for one can’t enjoy this kind of anime.


      • I agree with Morgoth too…
        This one creepy boy who brings camera everywhere…, acting like he want to make movies while he actually wants to get girls. Just bleh!


      • not really , i said down there that he used too much “shit” and make me lost my temper. but even then, the way he say make it like this anime is bad no matter what that person’s taste is and all who like it must have “bad” taste. i said i “bash” him, but i’m only aim for a neutral ending where he not see this anime bad no matter what, i’m not say this better than everything he see or he have bad taste to dislike it. so i’m not really “bash” him, i’m just use that word for fun. again, i’m only aim for a neutral ending, you can see it by how i write the “bash” up there

        “it the gerne nature, at long as it do what it made for well, then it a good series”
        “just because you like some gerne better doesn’t make it truly superior or make other gerne inferior.”


      • @eterychan: you must not pay attention or see it with “it bad no matter what” thought in mind. he buy the camera because he want to leave something behind so after he die, he will live in other people memories (rewatch some very first second to see that). he have the idea of making a movie because his friend suggest him.but even then, he didn’t have the thought to get the alien girl in it, his friend is the one who invited her in.


  3. @M0rg0th: yeah yeah whatever, you give 70% anime negative score anyway, i was afraid that you would review this anime with your over-subjective view, i bet with your taste, you will give more than 90% slice of life anime ever animated negative score, not because of it bad, it didn’t have enough action, deep meaning behind it story, symbolism and unique character for you to give it 7+ score. i guess you love anime for those thing, it your taste. but what i love in anime is the pure relationship between characters which i failed to find in other kind of media as much as anime, and that my taste. really, you should just stop reviewing this kind anime if you don’t like it, leave it Saranaufogus and kelfio. base on what Saranaufogus have been reviewing so far, i guess she will give this at least a 6 (it my guess so don’t take it seriously).

    @kelfio: i think it pretty good, 7/10 🙂


    • @pointman this anime looks like a little like onegai teacher and onegai twins dont you think so?


      • i have never watched those two so i can’t tell, but it from the creator of both i so i think it only natural


      • its a clone. look at the plot, one name kei one name kai, both can be K.K. (Kei Kusanagi, Kiishima Kaito). both were drown and saved by the same looking
        person/alien, but later have no memories of the drowning. google Mizuho Kazami and compare her to Takatsuki Ichika and try not to say that they are the same person.
        end up living together and etc etc.


    • Whoo, I don’t like reviewing slice-of-life but that doesn’t mean I dislike slice-of-life in general. I quite liked Usagi Drop and Wandering Son from last year, you know. While Ano Natsu’s first episode was decent enough while watching I noticed that after finishing when I narrated the story back to me, it seemed really dull and uninteresting. And that’s a problem. For all the little tidbits it does right, it’s overall really bland and stereotypical. If you can see past that, fine. Kelfio can as well, judging by her review. But I can’t because I think that first episodes have to ‘hook’ you somehow, whether it’s style, characters or story. But this episode used stereotypical stuff so obviously that it seemed like it wasn’t actively working to avoid them instead of actually embracing them. And that stuff bothers me 😉 .
      Would’ve been a 6/10 from me but I’m over-subjective anyway, so at least I’m succeeding in getting my opinion across, I guess 😀 .


      • nice to see you view the anime like this, yes, most of thing you just said is true. and i’m sorry if i was rude in some part of my comment up there. i’m really hate bad word and you type so much “shit” up there kind of make me lost my temper. again, i’m sorry if i was rude or insult you in some way.

        but other than the bad thing you mentioned, i’m thing the anime really have some good charm there


  4. @morgoth it anohana meet toradora by how it look


    • Toradora and AnoHana? Hmm, well, doesn’t strike me as comparisons I would choose at this point but this is only the first episode, who knows, might go in that direction style-wise considering the staff behind the series. But the Onegai-staff might be better used as comparison since the guy behind those series is the script-writer for this one. Well, wait and see ^^ .


  5. Well, you can’t really expect much these days. It’s just like the movie cinemas, shit gone and run dry, but you’ll get a good one once in a while.


  6. elior1, ah… so that what it is.. it is from the same creator of onegai stuffs..
    but wait, the character design and plot and such, is the exact of the onegai
    series, no? like M0rg0th said, where is creativity of this show?
    imagine when naruto author, create a new manga, and name it
    maruto ot something but it has the same character design, same plot,
    about ninja and this time maybe 8 tail orochi snake instead of fox,
    now where does this leads? i even forgot about the title of onegai series
    until mentioned by elior1. but i still remembers the plot and character.
    this show has nothng new in it, its same shit, and even worse a clone
    of some other show that the people used to work before.


  7. @ah loy the character disgner of this show is the character disgner of anohana and toradora


  8. the drawing looks anohana and toradora, yes.
    but google Mizuho Kazami and compare her to Takatsuki Ichika and try not to say that they are the same person.


    • @ah loy the only thing which make ano natsu and onegai teacer the same is the alien stuff and the freinds. there was no filming in onegai teacher kei didnt have such dessis as kaito kei was in the hospital since a middle age


    • OMG…ah loy your freaking right!! oh and elior1, your also right about it looking similar to Onegai Teacher. I for one, have watched the Onegai Teacher/Please Teacher series to realize the comparison…it’s kinda interesting but at the same time disappointing. Need I say it as well? REPETITIVE lol


      • Wow….small but noticable details…they both have glasses…just like in Onegai Teacher….it’s like deja vu…


  9. @ah loy you must be joking i was read the plot and sew the show onegai teacher and the only thing that looks the same is the alien staff and the freind even the evnet which he met her not the same also there is nothing dessis like there was in onegai teacher only that wier wound


  10. @ah loy also kaito didnt have dessis at all since age 15 like kei and in onegai teacher it didnt have this film thing so there is lot of diffrent things in this 2 shows


  11. i dont think it retelling of onegai teacher he author of please teacher and please twins doesnt retell stories he continues and incoporates all his storylines since they all occur in same town and are same universe


    • i dont think it retelling of onegai teacher. the author of please teacher and please twins doesnt retell stories he continues and incoporates all his storylines since they all occur in same town and are same universe.and since both onegai teacher and onegai twins occur in the same town also is ano natsu de matteru


  12. Wow. I’m glad that everyone has such strong feelings about Ano Natsu! 🙂

    I haven’t seen the Onegai shows, but since I’m going to be reviewing Ano Natsu every week, it might be worth a look after all. I’d like to see for myself how much is similar and not.

    It’s hard to say how this show will turn out. It could be awesome or it could just start barreling downhill at any moment. I’m sure next week’s episode will give us some insight!


  13. wow, this show sparked more debate than I thought it would

    Personally I think its okay on its own, but I was expecting a bit more out of it after Ano Hana. I get the Onegai teacher reference, but I’m going to hold out hope that this doesn’t become quite so slapstick. The story has been done before, but I don’t find it to be an awful retelling yet, and hopefully it will gradually become deeper and better by the end of its run. I think a series like this gains its momentum from character relationships, and there’s only so much they can build on when trying to introduce people and premises in the first episode.


    • @morgoth you know about this show i want to say it continue the story of the onegai series becouse it in the same town also the author of onegai teacher and onegai twins not doing retelling he alweys continue the onegai series


    • @viishous- “…there’s only so much they can build on when trying to introduce people and premises in the first episode.”

      Completely. One episode just isn’t enough material to say for sure what will or won’t happen down the road. The best anyone can do is make assumptions and predictions based on their own past anime viewing experiences, other projects done by the staff, and general trends of different genres, etc. Sometimes looking at all that sort of stuff together can lead to accurate predictions, but that’s all they are – predictions.

      I’ve often found that it takes at least two episodes for me to make a decision about whether or not I like or dislike an anime. For example, Mirai Nikki didn’t really catch me at first, but the second episode was better, and after that it became one of my favorites. I wasn’t expecting it at all.

      Simply put, I’m curious to see where Ano Natsu goes and how it gets there. 🙂


  14. the ending song is awsome as expect from nagi the director


  15. So many glasses, and Nancy’s catsuit in the opening seems a reference to ROD Could we be facing Shoot Or Die?

    The japanese have a special name for the effect of “transparency” in the glasses frames?
    I saw this effect also in Aoi Hana and Sasameki Koto.


  16. Just a shout-out to all anime-fans out there who forget this – every single thing has been said and done before. There is nothing truly original left. Therefore, execution is key. Execution determines how good an anime series will turn out. Even a completely overused and milked story can become interesting, even mind-blowing, if it is executed just right.

    Remember Guilty Crown? Yeah, that anime had TERRIBLE execution. Ano Natsu has great execution (as expected from Nagai-san), grabbing a worn-out and overused idea and making it interesting again. This series has more potential than any other series so far this season (even, dare I say it, Nisemongatari)… which is actually pretty sad, considering the potential the other series had (especially the High School Boys anime and Another). Very disappointing.

    Great review! Unlike M0rg0th, you’re an actual reviewer who I can trust! ^^


    • So, your comment reminded me of a scene in the movie “Garden State”, in which the two main characters are having a discussion about what they do when feeling completely unoriginal. Here’s a link to it on youtube:

      It’s a bit cheesy, corny, sweet, and maybe even a touch unoriginal, but the dynamics between the actors, its placement in the greater context of the whole movie, and (as you said) its *execution*, makes the scene memorable and heart-warming.

      Like that scene, Ano Natsu has the potential to do something that’s been done before, and do it well. But, right now (since there’s only one episode out), it’s still just potential. I liked the episode enough that I’m excited to see what’s next, and I think then we will have a much better clue if Ano Natsu will reach for the skies or flop miserably.

      I will be blogging the series weekly, so look forward to more posts from me. Until then, keep your head high and try to be nice to all the other little animes out there (and Mr.M0rg0th). Thanks for for your input! 🙂


  17. When the subs are out… which seems to be now. I’ll have the review up within a few hours. 🙂


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