Kimi to Boku Review

As promised, here is my review of Kimi to Boku. =)

Kimi to Boku Series Review

If I had to sum up my impression of the series in a sentence, it would be that the series reminds me of a gentle breeze on a warm sunny day. Nothing great but it does provide some form of relief.

Although the series never really breaks out of it’s laid back tone, it does deliver some relaxing entertainment that makes this an easy show to watch.

Plot Summary:

About 4 friends, twins Yuta and Yuki Asaba, the cute and girly Shun Matsuoka, and the class head Kaname Tsukahara, who have known each other since kindergarden. When a half-Japanese transfer student named Chizuru Tachibana joins their group, he brings a new dynamic to their friendship. – ANN

Genre: Slice of Life, Comedy, School


The Plot:

The series follows the group of friends as they go through high school whilst they mature from the experiences that they are put through along the way.

If one were to check the user ratings of the series on ANN, it would indicate that the series is terrible. Most of the time, I would agree with the user ratings on ANN, but this is probably the first time where I am going to have to disagree with it. The show did get off to a slow start and had borderlined on being as interesting as watching a comatose patient. However, ever since the introduction of Chizuru’s character, the show had definitely managed to break out of it’s “slump” and has proved to be a nice relaxing watch. This is of course not to say that the series has manage to completely rid itself of it’s previous shadow. All Chizuru’s character had provided was a new dimension to a bunch of average and normal(aka boring) characters as they go about their “youthful high school days”.

I know that I have associated the word relaxing with this series multiple times, but that is just how I feel about the series. The show never really becomes “great” or unexpectedly fun to watch, but the characters do grow on you and the show is pretty much an observation on the minor things we go through in everyday school life. From small budding romances to harmless “bullying” amongst good friends, the series takes on a nostalgic note in it’s presentation of the content.

The Characters:

As I had mentioned previously, this show focuses on the group of boys as they go through their high school lives. Along the way, they make new friends and whilst most of the focus is centered on the guys, there is another character that does find a way to integrate herself into the group by clinging onto Shun.

One pretty obvious thing about the characters is that they love to reminisce about their past relationships and experiences. As I am a person who can appreciate a good dose of nostalgia, I can appreciate the character’s tendencies to “cling” onto the past. However, unlike most series that takes on the nostalgic note, this series never once had me feeling nostalgic nor had me reminiscing about my past and I find this to be one of the key downfalls to the series – the ability to connect with it’s viewers’ emotions.

Back onto the characters… Chizuru is definitely the heart of the series, without his character, the series would be as entertaining as watching paint dry. His character brings the much needed “spunk” and whilst I love his character the most, I find it really sad that the rest of the characters seem to love to dismiss him as being just another fool/clown.

As for the rest of the “boy band”…:

  • Kaname
    The typical bespectacled studious “cold” character that tends to treat his friends like idiots/fools that can’t be taken seriously. He also plays the role as the butt of the group’s jokes as they find a person such as him to be fun to tease.
  • Shun
    The girl *cough*, I mean guy, of the group that is the peace making character which has the ability to connect with every character new or old. It is funny to see the rest of the characters making fun of Shun’s feminine personality as I myself couldn’t help but talk about his overly feminine “aura”. This is one of the rare on-going jokes that the viewer would be able to share with the characters.
  • The Asaba Twins
    Just like the way that they look, they are pretty much flat characters that don’t have much of a personality except for the character trait of being dull in a “cool” manner.

The Animation and Soundtrack

The animation of this series takes on a pastel color palette with simple and average character designs that doesn’t really add much to it’s plain and simple vibe. Although there is nothing special about the animation in this series, there is nothing wrong with it either. The most interesting aspect of the show would have to be the odd appearances of the cats. I know that at one point in time, I had started to count the amount of times cats had appeared on screen. If you are hoping for the cats to have some form of major significance in the show, you would be disappointed. The only thing that the cat’s really have in relation to the characters is the fact that they are used as a tool to mirror the situations that the characters are in. The cats don’t really do much else other than to amuse us in a really random fashion.

The soundtrack of this series is something that I had really liked a lot. The soothing notes of the opening and ending songs were nice even if they aren’t anything memorable. Towards the beginning of the series,  I had found myself really annoyed over a particular song which had incorporated a Japanese singer singing in English. I don’t mind English songs, but I do mind it when the language sticks out like a sore thumb due to it not being the singer’s native language. Thankfully, I don’t remember hearing that song towards the second half of the series.


The show is as interesting as the word “nice”. You can take what I had just said in a couple of different manners. One way of seeing it is that the show is above average but nothing note worthy. The other way of seeing it is that the show isn’t great. I, for one, had enjoyed watching the series even though I did get close to dozing off a couple of times.

After having seen these 13 episodes, I am actually craving for more Kimi to Boku episodes as it feels like we have only begun to learn about the characters as they mature. I honestly doubt that we would be seeing a second season of the series as there doesn’t seem to be too much love out there for the show. The up side is that at least there is the manga to turn to if one is curious about the future developments the characters go through. The good thing about the end of this series is that next season has Natsume Yuujinchou to fill the gap in the Slice-of-Life genre, and when pitted against each other, Natsume is going to win hands down.

Series Rating: 6.5/10

Best Moment: The first half of the manga episode  (Episode 8) where the gang has to each draw a page of manga that is meant to follow the previous page drawn by another member of the group.

Recommendation: If you are looking for something laid back and “soft” (go figure, I couldn’t think of another word to describe the show) to watch on a lazy afternoon, this is the show for you. Amidst all the action series out this season, this series is definitely a refreshing change in pace.


About Saranaufogus

An Anime fan who can't seem to keep her thoughts to herself. Find me on: Instagram | Twitter

Posted on December 27, 2011, in Anime, Kimi to Boku, Reviews and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. 10 Comments.

  1. I lay on my bed and pretend I am a banana

    thank you so much for writing this review! 😀 I am your #1 fan! I really did like Kimi to Boku though… I would pick it over Lucky Star any day 😛

    Wish you all the best!


    • Lol! Helloooooooo Banana…. =P

      You would pick it over lucky star?

      Well… if that is the case, are you looking forward to next seasons’ “Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou”? =)


      • I lay on my bed and pretend I am a banana

        Yes! I will be watching since I kind of liked Kimi to Boku but the characters don’t look as awesome as the ones in Kimi to Boku… but you can’t really judge it before you watch it 😀


  2. I’m glad you have a positive review for this. I think episode 7 is also worth mentioning and it showed that Yuuta is more than just a flat yet cool character. 🙂


  3. “The show did get off to a slow start and had borderlined on being as interesting as watching a comatose patient.”

    Funny enough, I rather would call that “Interducion of the character”, which is more or less always not such a big shot to watch espacially when it come to slow paced SoL. 😉

    Sadly you couldn´t figure out what was the most interessting part to watch. This might be the reason:

    “However, unlike most series that takes on the nostalgic note, this series never once had me feeling nostalgic nor had me reminiscing about my past and I find this to be one of the key downfalls to the series – the ability to connect with it’s viewers’ emotions.”

    So you missed out this sweet and soft first appearaces of love. This moments where the protagonists didn´t even know what´s happening to them and how to handle this emotions. Cause the hole series was just about this feelings… Begining in the kindergarten and ending in it. What was quite a fine way to finish this series. It started with Kanames first love and ended with some other guys first love. Yup, some circle of life-thing, I say.
    The most adorable arcs so far had the twins, with there “cool” characters but neithersowhat fine and carrying towards third persons (female) whitout even knowing why to do so. That´s what it´s all about: The facination over a haircurl, over a blind date and the feelings for some other strange lifeform. Some unnameble feeling for another person, the wish to be next to her even knowing she doesn´t care. Jealousy over a grownup even it was some kindergarten love wich always is one sided but the jealousy still remains.
    Well, I could go on like this quite a while, but KtB was about that ;).
    And to be honest it reminded me a lot about this crazy times when love first showed up and one didn´t even know what was going on. Not that I missed this times but still…^^
    KtB did a great job telling such a cute and innocent story which is far beyond “nice” cause it may be not such a big deal like “Usagi Drop” and “Hourou Musuko” but it plays in the same league. Jup, it´s normal like this two as well, the only difference is KtB doesn´t tells such a deep story but still a story about a rather real lifetime and it´s done a hell of a good job.
    We do had quite a good SoL year with this three and as well some good change in SoL as well cause that´s rather more “Slice of my motherf*cking live” then this “loud and jumping on everbodys lap” SoL or this “agressive MOE” SoL.
    So call me pathetic or romantic it´s just my two cents….


    • “So you missed out this sweet and soft first appearaces of love. This moments where the protagonists didn´t even know what´s happening to them and how to handle this emotions. ”

      You are right about the series focusing a lot on the characters coming to terms with the concept of “love”. Those were definitely my favorite moments (I especially loved the episode focusing on Chizuru’s love.). I think my issue is that everything was pretty much toned down and very subtle, up to the point where most developments were pretty minute and hadn’t amount to anything much… Which is also the reason why I had said that we were just beginning to learn about the characters. =)


      • “I think my issue is that everything was pretty much toned down and very subtle, up to the point where most developments were pretty minute and hadn’t amount to anything much… Which is also the reason why I had said that we were just beginning to learn about the characters. =)“

        Well, just think this over for a minute…. Don´t you think we would have ended up with some typical school romance if it wasn´t for the toned down and the subtle? And don´t you think it´s rather “normal”, so to say “real”, having not developments that easy? Is it not the way like the real life works, espacially when it comes down to love?
        …and we are learning about the character… In my opinion quite enough, cause once again it´s rather the way you would learn about someone next to you. You learn in slow steps about the personality of the dear fellow mankind, by watching them what they do.
        What you actually asking for is this sort of a normal typical anime concept, which you don´t find here. Mmmh, and I´m thankful for that.^^
        All the things you may criticise are the ones which make KtB somewhat different and more interesting to watch.
        And you may not forget the seconed season! I´m pretty sure the started of with the focus on bring up a second season… (wouldn´t the first time TV series work like this 😉 ).


  4. Just letting you know, second season was announced back in October, and is due to air in Spring. And they have still plenty of the material to cover, so =)

    The biggest problem of the series in my opinion, is the lack of introduction. You are expected to follow character dynamics from the very beginning, without really knowing who they are, what they do, or why should you care about them. So it isn’t that with Chizuru’s arrival everything became better, but by the time he is introduced you already have a greater perspective on what’s going on. And I bet that if you were to go back and rewatch the first couple of episodes, you will have a better appreciation for them.

    Kimi to Boku is not a masterpiece, nor is it trying to be. But for what it’s worth, I’ll put it in “I don’t regret watching it” pile, which, perhaps, all that is needed.

    As for which one is better, this or Natsume… eh, that is up to a debate, I think. The way they’ve been carrying on from season to season, I’ve learned not to expect much.


    • “Just letting you know, second season was announced back in October, and is due to air in Spring. And they have still plenty of the material to cover, so =)”

      Awesome! Thanks for the heads up 😉 Can’t wait to see more Chizuru on screen… hopefully his futile love will amount to something by the end of the next season. =P


  5. While I’m 100% agreeing with your Natsume comment at the end there (my no.1 fave anime hands down!) I’m definitely looking forward to a second season of kimi to boku as well (I believe it’s due in April?). I really loved this show, because for me it brought on LOADS of nostalgia, I suppose because I’ve only just finished high school myself and it reminded me a lot of all the good times I used to have with my friends, even bringing me close to tears in parts! Also LOVE the cats- just too cute! I think this is definitely a “feel-good” show, not to be missed, but not to have any real advancement expected of it! One more thing, I don’t think it’s possible to lump the Asaba twins together- because paying close attention they’re actually very different! Yuki reminds me of myself back when I was quieter 🙂


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