New “Nisemonogatari” Anime Trailer

Edit: I have added the 3rd trailer to the end of this post. Thanks Keiko-sama for the link to the video.

Here is the new trailer (with english subs) of one of the more anticipated anime out this Winter – Nisemonogatari.
(It seems like the second half of this video is a duplication of the first half.)

It is looking like this series will be filled with more perverseness. artistic flares, and hopefully interesting stories that would be faithful to the style of Bakemonogatari.

M0rg0th will be writing the reviews for this series on our blog, so do check them out when the series finally airs on the 8th of January.

About Saranaufogus

An Anime fan who can't seem to keep her thoughts to herself. Find me on: Instagram | Twitter

Posted on January 5, 2012, in Anime, News and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. 17 Comments.

  1. Totally the most anticipated show of the season if not the entire year!

    I thought the original was a classic and I’m pleased that shaft is continuing the adaptation with the same energy and direction.


  2. Well, that´s the third one:
    But I don´t really understand why the eng. Sub. is double, quite strange… O_o”.


    • Thanks for the link. =) I have added it to the post and credited you for it. 😉


      • Well, THX… ^^
        But since I had to sub it in german, as well as the series, I do have another question.
        Does any of you guys know what for christ sake “Nisemonogatari” means?
        It is irritating me since I had to translate Trailer 2 and the eng. sub is coming up with travesty in combination with the title.


      • If I am not wrong “nisemono” is meant to mean fake. but add the word “gatari” at the end and I haven’t a clue.
        (I wouldn’t trust my translation of the words since I all the “japanese” that I know is simply from watching anime. =_=)

        I thought that the use of the word travesty was a bit odd though… but like I said… I’m no formally trained translator. =D


  3. Well, if I can trust the Kanji-Translator it means in English “Spanish fakes”…
    That´s nice but it doesn´t help much since I have no clue what that means again ;).
    But like you see, you are right!! You won as many freezer you can carry on your own^^!


  4. Bakemonogatari is a portmanteau: bakemono = ghost, and monogatari = story. In English, bakemonogatari is Gho(st)ory.

    Nisemonogatari is the same way: Nisemono= Impostor & monogatari = story. So Nisemonogatari = impo(stor)y.

    Even the friggin title is clever. 🙂


  5. Definitely liked the flow of that trailer, hopefully the series lives up to the expectations. I was going off of the assumption that the translated title was something like “fake story” from the start, I’m just hoping that doesn’t mean the plot is going to be stuck on the fire sisters. One of the things I liked about the original was that the subplots developed on each other, but there was no real overarching plot antagonist that consumed the series to weigh it down.

    Ready to start off the new anime season on a high note with this one lol


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