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Review-Roundup: Beautiful Bones 11, Subete ga F ni Naru 11

[C12] Sakurako-san no Ashimoto ni wa Shitai ga Umatteiru - 11.mp4 - 00005I guess, this arc has been all about convincing the audience that bones are easier to talk to than living people…

This time I review:

Beautiful Bones 11: Apparently we still live in this parallel world where everybody’s an asshole or just plain pathetic. And Sakurako is an asshole as well which earns her an infuriated attack from one of the girls. But Shoutarou is there to save her! He survives – but of course the best thing to do is to severe ties with him. You know, that thing series quite often do to cheaply heighten its tension. After all, severing ties with your best-friend/partner-in-crime/lover is always a good way to protect such people from a psychopath.

Subete ga F ni Naru 11: Saikawa and Magata have a little chat about what has happened on the island. And we learn that Nishionosono’s opinion matters little in her little romance with Saikawa – which is just the way she likes it apparently.

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Subete ga F ni Naru – 09/10 Review

[C12] Subete ga F ni Naru - 10.mp4 - 00000It’s a bit of a tragic tale, really… Nishinosono tries really hard to be a “Sherlock”-like figure to match the intellect of Saikawa but really just ends up being a “Watson”-like figure again and again.

This time I review:

Subete ga F ni Naru 09/10: A murderer is on the loose! But who is it…?! Turns out that the solution is more complicated than expected!

Also, Saikawa gives a lecture on Hexidecimals you couldn’t care less about.

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Subete ga F ni Naru – 07/08 Review

[C12] Subete ga F ni Naru - 07.mp4 - 00011Magata: The perfect image of human pride!

This time I review:

Subete ga F ni Naru 07/08: Shimada tries to have some fun with Nishinosono but someone hijacks Nishinosono’s virtual funtimes to remind her of something that she has forgotten. After all, you’d naturally forget that the person you love was present in your darkest moment as emotional support. Meanwhile Saikawa is practising his English with Mikki, Magata’s sister. Later Saikawa realizes what the deal is with “Michiru” but just as he’s about to explain it, Nishinosono declares that she would try to deduce it herself first! So now we have to wait until Nishinosono figures out as well what the whole “Michiru”-thingy is about.

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Subete ga F ni Naru – 05/06 Review

[C12] Subete ga F ni Naru - 05.mp4 - 00001The marmalade is trying its hardest to look fashionable with a bold red in an ocean of grey and whites.

This time I review:

Subete ga F ni Naru 05/06: Confusion reigns supreme as everybody involved still reels from the double-homicide of Magata and her father. Even Nishinosono and Saikawa can’t help but argue about whether Magata should be considered evil or not. After all, she merely killed her parents. In her defense, she’s nuts. After the argument the two lead-characters decide to leave the crime-scene and visit all those other students who had the time of their lives having a party at the beach. Miraculously the two leads decide they really should investigate what the hell the deal is with these two deaths.

Oh, and Magata stabbed her mother because her lover was a pussy. And the father died swiftly after that as well… Ha, the things you do when you hit puberty, right, guys…?

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Review-Roundup: Subete ga F ni Naru 03/04, Gundam: Iron Blooded Orphans 04/05

[C12] Mobile Suit Gundam - Iron-Blooded Orphans - 05.mp4 - 00000I should’ve known… That mustache… Man, I should’ve known… Although, I have to admit, it’s brave choice. I mean, that mustache… let me tell you, LOTS of bad karma. Not surprised AT ALL how his story ended.

This time I review:

Subete ga F ni Naru 03/04: One died and the murderer is still on the loose! Things look dire in the science-prison-cubicle! But Nishinosono is committed to figuring out just what the hell is going on! Of course she relies on her pseudo-lover Saikawa for this since he’s the guy who actually does most of the deducing in that relationship. Meanwhile, the victim’s sister has arrived via helicopter and the guy who flew the helicopter got killed. Yep, let’s not question that and continue figuring out what the deal is with Magata’s prison-cell.

Gundam: Iron Blooded Orphans 04/05: Tekkadan is off to a rocky start in its business-history as its very first mission is fraught with people betraying them left and right and there’s a giant organization called Gjallarhorn hunting them down as well. Luckily they have a REALLY good mecha-pilot in their midst and nobody takes them too serious this far. Of course, things are just gonna bound to get worse from here on out after Tekkadan’s ‘Maverick’ has paved his way to Earth with slaughter and mercilessness.

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Review-Roundup: Subete ga F ni Naru 02, Hidan no Aria AA 01/02, Beautiful Bones 02, Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans 03

[C12] Subete ga F ni Naru - 02.mp4 - 00002Get it?! She doesn’t understand mundane stuff because she’s super-rich! It’s hilarious, isn’t it…?

This time I review:

Subete ga F ni Naru 02: Saiwaka, Nishinosono and… some other guys travel to the island where the genius Magata lives. After a load of exposition and some romantic shenanigans Saiwaka and Nishinosono arrive at the… let’s say, building where Magata lives and immediately become entangled in a shocking mystery.

Hidan no Aria AA 01/02: Despite the fact that Sherlock’s a fictional character as we all know, in this series there’s some tsundere-girl running around claiming to be his granddaughter or something. Another girl entirely who tries her hardest to be a moeblob wants fuck said Sherlock-granddaughter. Hilarity ensues!

Beautiful Bones 02: There’s a kid, there’s blood and there’s this boy who can’t help but get involved and when he gets involved, this other woman with genius-deduction-skills gets involved and that leads to a quick solution of the mystery. I probably can think of better ways to spend your freetime than doing the job of the police…

Gundam: Iron Blooded Orphans 03: The orphan-revolt is happening fast and ends brutally. Also, some old dude with some old notions of honor and whatnot challenges the young genius-pilot Mikazuki to a duel.

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Subete ga F ni Naru – 01-06 Review (Live-Action Version)

subete.f.naru.e03.doa.farah.mkv - 00000One of the show’s more interesting ideas is that finding out the truth is usually more hurtful than leaving a mystery unresolved.

So, here’s the first part of the review of the live-action-adaptation of Subete ga F ni Naru. Two things I want to clarify right from the start: One, there will be spoilers. Even though I won’t directly talk about what happens in the Magata-arc which the anime will cover it shares some of the same themes the other two arcs of this live-action-version do. And two, well, to be honest this isn’t the best kind of Japanese mystery-show. It has its share of problems and I really hope that the anime will turn out better than this live-action-series.

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Review-Roundup: Young Black Jack 02, Subete ga F ni Naru 01, Valkyrie Drive: Mermaid 01, Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans 02

_C12__Young_Black_Jack_-_02.mp4 - 00001You know, a drug-addict… It’s that… thing some people do apparently when they aren’t feeling right. The series seems to never tire or reminding you that he’s a drug-addict while also never making it seem like he’s an actual drug-addict. He assisted in an operation again for God’s sake! And he gave a frigging speech about morality, too! What does this series think being an drug-addict is like?!

This time I review:

Young Black Jack 02: Way back when doctors were real numbnuts and couldn’t figure out how to transplant a heart. Turns out if you’re a genius-doctor and evil enough you could do it already. Because of some weird coincidences Jack finds himself in the position to do such an operation but his druggie-friend saves him from himself. So instead of killing that one person with the operation, he kills the other person with the operation and it’s all fine because he gives the dead person’s identity to the other person! Isn’t that heroic?!

Subete ga F ni Naru 01: A girl wants to fuck her teacher and some reclusive genius-scientist-lady is getting between her and that goal. Out of jealousy she urges the teacher and the rest of his class to visit said genius-scientist-lady.

Valkyrie Drive 01: Some innocent schoolgirl lands on an island where girls fuck other girls in order to battle each other.

Gundam: Iron Blooded Orphans 02: The situation stinks, nobody’s happy but there’s a frigging Gundam in the middle of all of it, so this means more fighting is going to happen. Really, it’s just a bunch of orphans trying to fight for their survival and there’s some girl trying very hard to say something relevant but failing to do so this far.

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